Greetings folks! I’m new here. Found the site on accident, still learning the ropes. It’s so refreshing to see so many faces of relatable people. I posted my message in the relationships section because that’s what hits home. People’s beliefs can be a barrier to having relationships. I keep my opinions to myself, no one I know - in person - is an Atheist. It’s difficult and also pointless to bring up how I think. I wish sometimes my family/friends could just keep that to themselves. It makes me feel isolated on a personal level. Does anyone else relate to this?
My goats don’t care about politics or religion. They’re cool! lol
Love your new photo!
@MsKathleen Thanks. It's just the one that was there before. I swapped for Halloween.
Welcome. Join some groups and have fun. Love your kitchen gardens…join the gardening group. Are those bananas or plantains? Do you make goat milk cheese?
I found the gardening group right away
They are blue Java bananas and they’re yummy!
And yes I make cheese. Still working on simple variations, haven’t gotten into the hard cheeses yet.
@MsKathleen Yes. Off Amazon I don’t recall the store off hand. Gotten most of my supplies through the same vendor. I manage most things but need help with mechanics/repairs that sorta stuff. Not my forte.
@MsKathleen oh! I get their emails too. Sure that would be fine!
Welcome, Love the goat, is it a Nigerian Dwarf? I raise Boer Meat Goats myself in Iowa!
I raise Nigerian Dwarf. I’m in it for the cheese
Love the little ones. That’s awesome! Mmm
Goat roasted on a fire..delish!
Welcome!! I think you’ll enjoy. There’s a few idiot trolls on here…..but try to avoid them as best you can.
Hello and welcome! I LOVE goats! And, yes, what Zeuser said. I think you'll do fine holding your own here, and realizing when a tit-for-tat conversation can simply be dropped .
Welcome to our world where sanity, logic, reasoning, etc, etc, rule and the Faithfools fear to tread.
And, YES, you may find some/a few of us can be a wee bit whacky/off-beat/out-of-tune,doo-lally-tap from time to time but that's quite okay, we don't bite unless someone bites first...LOL.
Btw, just KIDDING around, excuse the pun....LOL.
Thank you thank you.
You look like a pretty cool goat!!! What’s up with that human you’re hanging with?!?
Welcome, Will the goat also be making comments? Does he/she have a name?
Haha! Good question I don’t know she’s more of the stand-offish type. lol Her name is Jaina Proudmore.
@Lordess I have a friend here with 4 goats, all females. Tully and Venus are two. They’re spoiled rotten. They’re also scared of cats.
Welcome aboard, and good luck on the site. I come and go on here so you might see me every now and then☺
If you want to be free, I believe and have experienced that, one has to be willing to face losing closeness with others partially or permanently as a price of emancipation. The price itself is liberating because discovering and living your own truth ( it IS subjective at root but objective in what it allows into your objective environment) cannot occur in confinement; of the theological, ideological sense.
Groups gain strength from their constituents' willingness to abdicate (indenture) their subjective truth in exchange for off-the-shelf recipes contrived for them.
Why are people so uncomfortable discussing politics and religion? First thing to recognize is that they are functionally identical. They are salvation/protection rackets and are the ACTUAL oldest profession. The alleged oldest profession came along later..
Be fiercely you and exactly who you are will shine through to your 'outer orbit' and as elements form into compounds on the micro level, people too form their social and intimate 'molecules' in the same fashion. Stable compounds with strong, lasting bonds cannot come from counterfeit outer orbits. I know its simplistic but that is how it works.
Don't hide the real you out of politeness or fear of losing unnecessary, unnatural 'friendships' or family. Those who are free and honest; who'd value and appreciate you won't be able to even see and recognize you until you resonate in your every sound, motion and appearance. Goats don't have to be anything else to be enough; to be perfect. Why should we?
Wow and thank you