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LINK Will a Stand Your Ground Self-Defense Claim Save Black Oklahoma Man Who Killed White Intruder? Legal Expert Says It Depends: ‘I Just Leave It to God’

(I don't think the people who put the "stand your ground" law in place thought it would work both ways, as in black people defendign against white people, in practice)

“He was breaking in when my husband gave him his warnings and was like, ‘What are you doing?’ The man continued to break in, and that’s where my husband fired through the door. The man was unfortunately on the other side, my husband could not see what was the man’s position or anything and that’s when the bullet struck him in the head and, unfortunately, the man died,” Vicky Bratcher said.

(I doubt a white person who did the exact same thing would have even been charged)

snytiger6 9 Dec 18

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He would be well within his rights to shoot and kill the intruder. Its unfortunate he was even charged.


I heard Bratcher will avoid jail time, and accepted a plea bargain, which means that while he may have been innocent in regards to the shooting death of that burglar Bratcher still acknowledged that he was not totally innocent regarding other charges. Turns out Bratcher's cannabis growing operation was deemed illegal, which is what made authorities suspicious of him in the first place, and race did not appear to be a factor in him facing prosecution. One must also keep in mind that Oklahoma tends to be very conservative when it comes to recreational drug usage. Had Bratcher been caucasian, I suspect he would have gone through the same thing with the law.-


I don't think anybody should get a pass for shooting through a closed door. I understand how scary it must be to have someone breaking down your door, but shooting through it is not the way to go. Better to take up a position a few feet back, let them break through and cross the threshold, THEN blow them away. 😎


NOBODY likes injustice if they identify it as such; usually when they experience it instead of dishing it out.

Injustice and authoritarianism are part of the DNA of our 'civilization'. Until the authoritarian male dominated, fascist family structure stops being the, albeit often unfulfilled, ideal, it will push all other strata of civil organization to that end. The family and the individual character structure are the molecules and elemental building blocks of most societies for the last 6,000 years. Thus our history is might makes right, from the top down andthe bottom up.

Organize it's architecture any way you wish. The composition will always ultimately be authoritarian and fascist.

Even dictators are chosen. Most often it is because they offer the same kind of deal as the authoritarian father. Banded together under 'Godfathers' they offer protection and salvation, whether the 'kissing ring' is on the hand of a pope or a tin god in a pinstriped suit.

Justice isn't a thing of Nature but a human (male) contrivance; an ideal, like gods and devils on opposite ends of the scale, that is entirely whimsical and fictitious.


Will we the people permit injustice? To be continued.


Short answer?



I will be shocked if this black guy gets a walk using a stand your ground defense. Doesn't he know that the defense is only designed for and applies only to white people who shoot colored people? That's just common knowledge in the white supremicist States Of America...


The way I see it, his big mistake was shooting through the closed door before the unknown aggressor got it open. I don't see race being a factor here. The jury will have to decide if he was within his rights under the law.

You come by your username honestly.


She brings up a very good point.


In Texas he would be within his rights to kill said intruder. In Oklahoma you have the right to defend your life, within reason. For cases like this it's the cops and or prosecutors discretion to press charges. Racism has little to nothing to do with the case, don't make mountains out of mole hills.

Tejas Level 8 Dec 19, 2021

Wow. I'm seeing it more and more in this platform--

The mentally retarded learning to type.

@Toonman are you in the habit of making fun of things in people beyond their ability to control? I don't see people laughing at you for your head looking like a thumb.


The short bus is on its way. Don't forget your helmet and water wings..


Are you saying people already ridicule you for being retarded?


If I could control anything about you, you'd have a dick.

@Toonman saftey first


I get the feeling without them you'd drown eating a bowl of soup.

@Toonman you say "bowl of soup" but I bowl for soup aka bowling for soup. It's a pretty big deal


No it's not. The band broke up years ago.

Somewhere there's an attic with a portrait of you getting smarter.

@Toonman I can only hope

@Toonman the band is still together. Playing together as late as 2020. The soup bowl continues


Still stinkin' up the great outdoors.

@Toonman better than basking in your own stink indoors all the time


I'm not interested in what you do in the privacy of your home, but I'll take your word for it.

@Toonman are you sure because I'd love to tell you my lifes story

@Tejas You just did. You told me you sit around stinking up your house.

Which I believe.

@Toonman you haven't lived until you've stunk up your house. It's a sign of manhood. Maybe you'll get there one day.

@Druvius are you saying there are laws in place that makes killing black people justified? It is a case by case basis and they are all unique.


The only real flaw I see in Bratcher's defense is Hardwick was still on the other side of a locked door. If Hardwick had gotten the door open and was entering, he's fair game. Bratcher should have waited another minute or two until Hardwick was inside.

I've heard more than once that it is best to make sure the body falls inside the building/house to be sure. If Hardwick's corpse had been inside the business, stand your ground/castle doctrine wouldn't even be questioned.

But, it's going to be hard for Bratcher to convince the jury Hardwick was an immediate threat when he was still outside, and still on the other side of a locked door. And, the black pot grower thing is going to make it even harder.


He's in trouble, In Oklahoma

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 18, 2021

I thought a child named Trayvon had every right to defend himself against a white dude in FL pursuing him.
A jury in FL thought otherwise.

@Umbrella_Guard You are still going with the narrative that any white man can hunt and kill a black child.

How is your Zim's life going?

Right wing media has abandoned him as a hero after he beat a few more people.

Including a few women.

Have not heard of the loser.


Everyone needs to understand that gods have nothing to do with this. The second thing is that Bratcher had an expired grower license. Believe it or not they will use this fact in trying to get around the stand your ground clause. It will be painted by the prosecutors that he is almost a felon already because of this so stand your ground should not apply.

The way white supremacy worked out in my neck of the woods is that November 3rd a black man was shot and killed by a white man using the "castle clause" in Missouri law. That white man was arrested and later released. The black man he murdered was outside his house the entire time and no threat at all. His family has protested to make law enforcement take a better look at this. Lazily, they appear to be looking closer. It is slow, and now video of the shooting has also emerged.

OK/MO...apples/oranges...have to wait and see...different laws...add to that, OK is not known for common sense.


It’s Oklahoma. I doubt the rich old white men in power will let it go the way it should. The Black man will need to be very lucky with what judge he draws, and even then, there will be a smear campaign against the Black man.


Just imagine if a teenager named Jamal or Hussein decided to get some kicks blowing away some January 6 protesters. Even though they were armed with more than skateboards and defending the Capitol and congress seems a lot more important than an empty warehouse.

@Umbrella_Guard En Passant with an "n" and I had a 2000 rating once. As far as I know only one person was shot and not by a teenager. If you have a credible report of as mass shooter at January 6 please provide a link.


The ugly head of racism rears it's head.

Seems to me "the ugly head of racism" has been reared often enough these days that it must have caused a serious case of whiplash.

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