Let's put aside religion and politics for a minute and share a fun fact about ourselves with the Agnostic community. Anything, big or small
I'll start.
I have never looked through a telescope.
I have never ..
Given any asshole the kicks in the butt that he or she thoroughly deserved;
Been to Nepal;
Had sex with a prostitute;
Spoken Swahili;
Sucked a man's dick;
Stripped off in public;
Been inside a whale.
Been tolerant of the religious crazies, fundamentalists, psychopaths and sociopaths that infest this planet.
Never have I ever punched an elected public official.
I have a list of ones I'd dearly love to tag though.
I'd love to tag a few too!
That would be a long list for most people if we could do it. I am happy to punch a few but if it was drumpf then I would want a biohazard suit as I would not want to catch anything.
I would still have given anything to be the shoe thrower at shrub...
I have never been a spectator sports fan of any kind and have never even played baseball.or football.
I have never been a sports fan, but as a kid, I did play in non organized neighborhood sports games. Never did school or any kind of organized sports. Although I did take martial arts classes for several years, as I was interested in learning how to defend myself.
In college went to a rural foot match (Australian Rules Football) spent the time chasing a bee out of the car, and doing simultaneous equations in my head to work out the scoring system. I don't know who won but my friend did not get killed by the prisoners he was playing against. (yup it was a country Victorian team against the local low risk/ rehabbing prisoners from the local jail)
@snytiger6 Cool, what kind of martial arts? For me it was Karate, by age sixteen made it to black belt.
@Cyberpunk2027 It was karate, in the early 1980's, mostly based in Tung Su Do, but modified to more of a mixed style. The person who modified the style was Chuck Norris, as he was trying to organize the United Fighting Arts Federation. I only went about half way to black belt, when I moved aware from the karate studio. I had a great teacher, John Barrett, and I just couldn't imagine having a different instructor.
There was one time where Chuck Norris actually came in and taught a class, and I was not at all impressed. His brother Aaron was/is a much better instructor. Anyway, I did not find Chuck to be all that impressive or all that bright in the intelligence department.
@snytiger6 Personally speaking, had never cared for Chuck Norris, so not shocked to hear that about him.
I have never lived any place else but the house I was born in and that I still live in till this day (70 years.)35 year old daughter born here and my wife also has been here since we were married 38 years ago..
@creative51 I’ll give it a try ,but seriously I have traveled to many interesting places throughout the world,and hopefully will continue to.
@creative51 I knew that .no problem
@richiegtt Cool.
Never have I ever for a single second thought trump was anything but a disgusting piece of trash!
I'm almost 65 and my late teens and earlyy 20s were not the normal boomer experiences, I've done some unusual stuff. However, I have never jumped out of a perfectly good airplane.
Would you jump out of a perfectly good plane?
@Unity When I was active duty I knew someone airborne qualified. I being a smart mouth, asked him why anyone would jump out of a perfectly good airplane. He told me it was not wise to assume Army airplanes were perfectly good. With that thought in mind, I would only jump out of an airplane when I discovered it was no longer perfectly good. So as long as it is perfectly good, nope I will stay in my seat. As soon as I find out otherwise, show me the 'chute and the exit.
@HippieChick58 Commercial airlines do not have parachutes aboard...none of them.
@AnneWimsey Good point.
I have never stolen classified documents. I did want to send a copy of an Admiral's order for an 800$ (1970s) silver tea set to my Congressman, until my LT told me to check the message's classification. Doing so could have gotten me locked up
I've never been to Canada, Mexico or Hawaii
I've been to all three. Never been to Alaska though.
I have also been to Japan, Hong Kong (while it was still a British colony), Thailand and the Philippines.
@snytiger6 Back in the 70s my then husband and I traveled all over Europe for months. We visited several countries (England, Scotland, France, Spain, Italy and Greece), got married in England and lived in a beach house in Ibiza Spain and a rooftop apartment in Ierapetra, Crete, Greece; also lived in Berkeley, CA for five years.. It was quite an adventure. I just find it odd that I never explored three countries so close to the US
@TheoryNumber3 Well, I have bene to Mexico several times, mostly because I spent more of my life living around the Los Angles area. I've only been to Canada once. It was easy to get in. The problem was getting back. The border agent kept asking questions of us. I went with my friend Jack, who was still living in Los Angels, and the border agent was wondering why two people who lived in different cities were traveling together, even though we explained we were friends back in Los Angeles, and Jack flew up to Portland to visit me and we decided to drive up to Vancouver, BC. ... because neigher of us had ever been there. He didn't get that we were just regular tourists. Perhaps it was because Jack was of Chinese descent and I am Caucasian and there is more than a 12 year age difference between us as well.
We visited in the Winder months and it actually snowed while we were there. I recommend a warmer time of year if you ever go, unless you are into winter sports.
Anyway, ever since 9-11, you can leave the U.S. with no problems, but you will need a passport to get back in.
@snytiger6 I'll get to Canada one of these days.
The saddest part is I have a close friend who owns a B&B in Maui. And I hate to fly.
@TheoryNumber3 To me it isn't flying itself, but going through all the security, where you have to plan to be at the airport two hours before your flight leaves. I won't go through those super scanner machines to be irradiated, because I already had leukemia once, and I won't expose myself to casual radiation, because I don't want to have it again, so it take an extra ten minutes for me to go through security.
I don't mind the flight itself. I just listen to audio books for the entire flight, and it goes by pretty quickly. I am also sure to use the restroom right after they call my flight, so I won't have to deal with those tiny bathrooms during the flight.
I have taken to using a carry-on bag and a school backpack, so I won't have to check any luggage.
I see airports as a necessary evil if you ever want to go anywhere that is a distance. I just do little things to make it more bearable.
@snytiger6 I agree with everything you said. The flight itself isn't bad... it's all the hassle before and after.
Not yet but would like to.
I've never set foot inside the State of Mississippi or the country of Italy.
I've never been able to swallow a mouthful of okra or a pizza with anchovies.
I've never seen the movies The Rocky Horror Picture Show or The Way We Were.
I've never piloted an airplane or an Army Tank...
but I haven't reached the age of 80 yet.
You should watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show this Halloween season. Tim Curry is excellent.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show was the first movie that was so bad that it was entertaining just for the camp. By today's standards, it may not seem so outrageous, but just silly.
@SeaGreenEyez I think the original Hairspray was actually John Waters best film. The humor was (for once) effectively satirical.
I've had several public sex encounters..
Also I've Never been to Floduh..and never will..
The question is not what you did, it's what you didn't do. And I know when you have not lived an ordinary life... sometimes it's hard to fill in that blank...
@HippieChick58 the word Never is not a requisite mentioned in Unity's opening statement, sooo..also I amended my posting..just sayin..
Public sex is off my bucket list .
I have never run the winning touchdown in the Super Bowl, played lead guitar in a classic rock band, or made any significant discoveries in science.
I'm freakin' useless.
That makes two of us. Maybe we should form a club for useless people, who like to hang out on the internet exchanging anti-religious thoughts, when we have nothing better to do, we could call it something like Agnostic.com.
@Fernapple Interesting idea. From your lips to God's...wait...no.
With that as a base line a lot of us are useless Brian Cox is at least 2/3 of the way into being useful. But he was on keyboards not guitar if that counts, (and it was a one hit wonder band) Alright not even Brian Cox is useful.
Never have I ever lived anywhere longer than 7 years. I've moved 32 times as an adult.....
I've moved around a lot as an adult. I did stay in one apartment for about 12 years. I had planned for it to only be a temporary place to live. I learned that you shouldn't settle, as you may end up living with what you settled for, for a lot longer than you ever thought you would.
Growing up we never lived anywhere more than three years. As an adult, I’ve been fairly stagnate. I have live in Lancaster since 1968. And this is only the third home I have lived in since I left my parents. And I have been here since 1992. I never expect or want to live anywhere else. They can take me out of here feet first.
Never have I ever eaten escargot or watched a reality TV show and I never will.
Never have I ever been to Turkey or New Zealand, traveled in a train with a sleeper, been anywhere in South America, or been able to carry a tune. Since I'm not dead yet I'm going to die trying to do all of these.
I have never voted
So of course you never complain.
Why is that?
@silverotter11 George will explain it to you
@Emanuele seems ass backwards to me. If you vote and your candidate wins, then yes, you have nothing to complain about. If your candidate (s) don’t win, then you have every reason to complain, you had no say in your leaders. If you don’t vote at all, you have no interest in who is controlling your life, right or wrong, so a willingness to accept whatever all the voters chose for you.
@Emanuele I happen to believe our voice does matter. One of the things I did in March 2020 right after the WHO declared COVID a global pandemic I called my senators and congress person at both the federal and state level and stated they better immediately get something in writing and passed that will protect people to vote. WA State was one of the first states to see rapidly rising cases. At first the trump admin did not want to do anything but as it got worse and they saw the opportunity to limit people from voting my senator was one of the first to act to get mail in voting available for others around the country. Texass limited ballot boxes, WA State added more secure ballot boxes. We were already a state with all mail in ballots but ensuring that it was easier instead more more difficult is important.
George was WONderful but it was a fatalist attitude, it may have jazzed some to get involved, sadly I think it may have simply caused some to just go fuck it.
I have worked on local county issues and campaigned. One of the big issues was water use, it was a several year battle but we did prevail and the effort and time was worth it.
Not all were wins but we did not just back off.
@Emanuele ui
ummm, Carlin was a Comedian.
As one myself, the surest way to create thoughtful humor is to reduce things to absurdity.
I have never been sky diving. though I’ve wanted to for years!
Me too. I figure if I were to do it might as well just go all out and sky dive naked wearing only a parachute and shoes.
@snytiger6 You would for sure be on the evening news that day!
@Redheadedgammy I doubt it. It is more common than you may think. Then again, I grew up and lived my entire life on the West Coast of the U.S. It might make the news in Read states.
Despite being an avid fan and collector of horror films I have never seen or owned a copy of "The Exorcist"
I have however read WP Blatty's novel.
Whaat?..dude it still one of the scariest films ever..put it on your Fuckit Bucket list..
The book is awesome..
I didn't find it to be all that scary. Never desired to see it a second time.
However, I think horror films lose something unless you see them in a movie theater on the big screen where you can totally be emersed in the experience. I saw the Exorcist on a TV.
I've never done a lot of things, some I'd never do even if I had the opportunity. I've never been to the Grand Canyon.
Neither have I.
@HippieChick58 me either.
I have.
Me either, although it's on my list.
My Slovak ex-wife just saw the Grand Canyon last week!
I just did that 2 months ago!
I have never been sky diving.
I went to Valley Forge Military Academy in Wayne, PA for ninth grade. I survived! I never wanted to do a second year!
I've never had a successful long term relationship. My second marriage lasted 22 years, but most of them were not successful.
I've been down that road 4 times and my longest relationships go about 12 years.
My longest relationship was just five years. I knew, that as I had gone legally blind, I probably would never have another relationship, but I just could not stay in love somebody who wasn't honest with me. So, I have been "single" for more than 25 years.
So much shite I have never done, too much to share here!!! Lol!!!
Same here.
I've never done anal, nor +3. (I'd prefer the latter to start)
I've never done heroin.
I've never successfully water skied.
I've never killed anyone (directly, or that I know of).
I've never had a son (that I know of).
I've never owned a cat.
With the exception of having a son I share the other nevers with you.
I will never do heroin