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Laughing all the way

How important is it for you to keep a sense of humor in serious situations?

SonOfABeach 7 Apr 30

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I can't help it. Laughter and humor are my only form of defence.


Very important! Helps me to deal with it!


Highly important.


Life saving ?


Extremely important. "laughter is the best medicine", certainly applies in my world..


Extremely important.


It's exceedingly important for me. Irreverence gets me through the day!


After I employ my lifesaving trading, WHY not..


Very important.


For me it is totally necessary. It is my coping mechanism.


Very. If you take yourself or things too seriously then it makes it hard to enjoy life.


Even at funerals what's the worst that can happen someone's going to die?


For me very, it allows me if even for just a moment to break a cycle of stress and then to come at the situation with a clear head. Plus, if I'm dealing with this with others. It aids I find in helping them kinda come back to baseline. So we can all approach the issue and hopefully find a satisfactory solution.


Very important.


Oh I am pretty serious about it (No, I am not even trying to yank your chain.... All I am saying is that life is too short to ignore humor opportunities)


Very important! Have a sense of humor is the only thing that gets me through serious situations......or social situations.....or basically any situation.


I always look for a reason to laugh. A year ago, I lost everything but a week's change of clothes. Two hours later, I was making jokes about it.

Why took you so long???? ( I am with you, it is possible to find humor everywhere )

Because one hour later, my girlfriend broke up with me. It took a little time to crack jokes...

@Holysocks damn, there's always something, isn't???? (Anyway, her loss... Right???) ???

She's better off without me. 🙂

@Holysocks ..... and that just proved me right, you're too nice, therefore her loss ?? (ok, I shut up now )

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