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Is this what Australians, Americans & English also expect from their news media? If it is the attitude of many on here is explained:

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Israel is not interested in peace until every Palestinian is either dead or has left.

I've recently seen the reason for this. Unfortunately it was sent by private message attachment so I can't share it. However israel has been indoctrinating its citizens since 1948 that Palestinian Arabs are not people, they are caricatures of people or hooded terrorists intent on killing Israelis. Israeli official maps do not recognise or show the existance of Gaza, the West Bank or Jerusalem non Israel territories.
If you wish I can privately forward you a copy. I intend writing to the local MP's asking what is being done to ensure that such brainwashing is not occurring in Australian schools particularly the religious private ones. Also to ask whether such brainwashing is prohibited under international human rights agreements.


Communists always control.the media, nothing new there.

The worst controllers of media in the western countries are US military, US government & big business using advertising revenue flow to censor news detrimental to their interests.


The Arabs cannot defeat the communists. The Taiwanese seem.better to fight the communists

Why would you wish to defeat them. It reads like you have been indoctrinated, or are paid by the CIA, to write your claptrap. It has all the validity of believing in jesus, holy ghost & god the father.

@FrayedBear good point, yet WHy are we forced to pay taxes to these global communists?

@Communistbitch how do you "pay taxes to these global communists" & who forces you?

@FrayedBear oh you dumb motherfucker asking stupid questions

@Communistbitch only your statement is #stupid.

@FrayedBear dumb fuck bitch


Israelis are gods chosen people. . There is only Israel and their god, the rest of the world are not Israeli so therefore of no value. One needs only to read the Torah, Koran or the bible to understand the morality, ethics and character of the Abrahamic "God", and why the chosen ones have a mandate to act without any recourse or consequences

These aren't Israelis, these are communists. "Israel" was formed in 1948

@Communistbitch more of your claptrap?

@FrayedBear look up kibbutz dumb fuck

@Communistbitch you obviously haven't looked up what a kibbutz is: see screenshot.

Now wash your mouth out with soap & apologise for your stupidity & ignorance.

@FrayedBear there you go, a combination of socialism and zionism, dumb retard

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