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Is this as suggested by the presenters the start of WWIII? And is the US Mediterranean fleet & its 10,000 soldiers sitting ducks?

The Morris's report on the Iranian missile assault on Tel Aviv & israel military airfields & military assets in Palestinian territory. Everyone is now waiting for daylight to reveal if any damage has occurred as is claimed by USA & Israel.

Watch in your web browser or YouTube:

FrayedBear 9 Oct 2

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It seems,the US is the only ones solid in supporting Isreal.
In world ranking miltary power. Turkey is ranked 8th in the world follow by Iran 14th, Egypt 15th. than Israel 17th and Saudi Arabia 23rd. Netanyahu has threatened the whole middle east , can be reached anywhere in the middle east by Israelis stricks. HE Calls the Muslims countries cursed, if they handle their own affairs. Then Ben calls the UN members a swamp of bio anti Semiti.
I Want to love this guy to death. Lol.

The best bet is for the middle east be the snakes in the grass over the firey dragon in the sky, like US and Israel Also Russia and China are stronger investors and membership wise with the middleeast through BRICS. .Iran was alot of weapons left over from the Iraq War. And Iraq has left over weapons fom the US. Plus Iraq stand by Palestinians. European are changing their mind about America the only profitors from war, except the American tax payers and all the war refugees pouring in


Ohferpetessake.....just one teeny point:
I am pretty sure there are plenty of searchlights, including mounted on helicopters and trucks, so that damage can be assessed without waiting for daybreak.
Dramatic BS, but BS just the same.......

Quite agree Anne. So why are there no Israeli photos disputing Iran's claims and why after daylight has returned to the area are there no photograghs from anyone's orbitting satellites (this is posted about midnight Middle East time the day after the strikes)? Is it because the Americans & their proxies have lost so much face & reputability by the evident destruction that would be revealed through photos? It sounds like another 9\11 cover up of destroy the evidence before people wake up & start closely looking at the evidence. I suspect that since the missiles landed those big Israeli owned American bulldozers have been busy piling up the destroyed F16's, military buildings & vehicles to be used as infill for the craters created. Just as the Trade Tower's rubble was hastily shipped off to China for recycling.

@FrayedBear it never occurs to you that there is Nothing to photograph?????

@annewimsey500 I suggest that you read my subsequent posts & watch the videos. Israel has been given due warning by an honourable country that has protected Israeli citizens which is more than can be said of the Israeli psychopaths who in less than 12 months have killed more than 41,000 civilians mostly women & young children. And of course now 2000 in Lebanon. I doubt that Iran will allow that protection to continue if retaliation by Israel occurs. Furthermore if the US continues to support or even joins in I hate to think of the destruction that will deservedly occur on US soil.

@annewimsey500 do watch the video with your spectacles on correcting your blindness. . . "No wonder the Israelis & Americans are not releasing any daylight photograghs of the Iranian missile..."



Is that no to WWIII, sitting ducks or both?

See also my last reply to AnneWimsey

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