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Israel was admitted in 1949 to the world body under the false premise that it is a peace-loving state and ready to cooperate with the UN to implement UNGA resolution 194 which stipulates the right of the Palestinian refugees to return and receive reparations. Today, as Israel continues its genocide in Gaza, massacres in Lebanon, targeting UN peacekeepers, and continuing its ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, it's overdue to kick Israel out of the UN and all international fora. Do you agree?

Call for people of the world to task their respective governments to support the BOYCOTT, DIVESTMENT AND SANCTIONS (BDS) Movement against Israel.


FrayedBear 9 Oct 12

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Perhaps you haven't noticed that the World changes. One excellent example is Iran. That country does not even resemble what it was in 1949. Another excellent example is Russia, I don't think it is Communist anymore.

So many more examples that I don't care to type that long.

I admire your persistence, Alien... Maybe one day they'll get a clue.

@Captnfeelgood He never will but correcting him is enjoyable.


Going back to when I was One Year old to create hate and discontent, are ya? Sounding one ( just one!) country, that has exactly the same outlook and leadership it had in 1949.

Nth Korea perhaps comes close?

@puff USA, UK, France, ?


Yes, the same war mongers and add Isreal. Follow the sources, like the money and world war 1 and 2.


Every Nation has been granted admission on the false premise that they were peace loving. Until we kick out every country that fails to live up to their obligations, this is bunk. The IDF has committed war crimes and Benni needs to be brought before the world court, but we need nations to be able to have a forum to talk to each other. Let's stop the absolutest talk and try to get along.

Thank you for your opinion. Sadly we have all seen this last 12 months that the Israeli idea of getting along is to create more atrocities, murder more people, prevent the procurement of health services, water, freedom of movement , more destruction of property, racial genocide & food deprivation, Equally we have seen American funding, support & protection of these actions in order that they continue.

Be careful here, Glen, or you will be called a Jew. Methinks this man has a lot of hatred or is here to guide us in some direction he feels we should go in. Was it a falsehood that the UN "let Israel in" thinking that they were peace loving? How in the hell do people come up with this sort of question?

Absolutely True. Why does this post remind me of how the Supremes struck down Roe? Oh, yeah, they went back 50 years.......

@DenoPenno one doesn't need hatred to point out untruths.


Been seeing reports there is a biblical exodus from Israel and the economy is fucked. Think they will solve the problem themselves sooner than later by self destructing.
I'm amazed that making the UN Secretary General "persona non grata" did not get Israel at least suspended if not expelled from the UN. Crazy but I'm OK with UN ineptitude as it will just drive more nations towards BRICS the more the US and Israel thumb their noses at it's institutions..

puff Level 8 Oct 13, 2024

You mean that they will do a Trump? Spend others money, declare bankruptcy and walk away leaving mayhem.

@FrayedBear Demographics. Won't be enough Jews left in Palestine to have a Jewish state.

@FrayedBear Looks like they are willing to test UN resolve

@FrayedBear Saw that


Scott Ritter knows his stuff and often is correct.

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