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Florida Demanding Girls Report Menstrual Info to the State in Order to Play School Sports

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis isn’t stopping his attack on Florida education by simply prohibiting Black History Classes; he’s now trying to require school girls to report their menstrual information to the state before they will be permitted to participate in school sports. In fact, a subcommittee of the FHSAA just voted to make it mandatory that female athletes answer these questions if they want to participate in school athletics:
When was your most recent menstrual period?
How much time do you usually have from the start of one period to the start of another?
How many periods have you had in the last year?
What was the longest time between periods in the last year?
They then want kids to upload all this information to a third-party platform that is not bound by HIPAA - where the information could be forced to be disclosed under subpoena, which could result in making the girls’ menstrual information public.

Well, given how intent the governor seems to be about monitoring all aspects of female student menstruation in Florida, I suggest every time a female student has her period, simply have her package and date all her used female products - and send them directly to Gov. DeSantis’ office for inspection. Talk about full compliance with the law!

Gee, wonder if they plan to ask the male student-athletes similar questions? I mean, these are adolescent boys, after all! It might be important for the state to record how many times they’re jerking off in an average week, whether they’re wanking during English Literature classes, are their fantasies are completely heterosexual, and do they have wet dreams? Its important Republican politicians know these things.

I suppose its comforting for Floridians to know Gov. DeSantis and his Republican pals are leading the fight against “Big Government’s" intrusion into our personal lives - trying to prevent “freedom” from being taken away by those “woke” libtards. Why, if you leave it up to that “woke crowd,” they’ll try and convince you that people and opinions other than those of Republican white males are just as important as those of Gov. DeSantis.

Now, is it just me, or does anyone else wonder if there are any sane people left in Florida at all? I mean, do Florida women really want to live in a Ron DeSantis Handmaid's Tale? It sure seems like it. Where are the fucking protests? Besides, if Florida really wants to collect intimate sexual information about teen girls, why depend on spaced-out, flaky adolescent kids for the data? I mean, why not just ask Matt Gaetz?

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johnnyrobish 8 Feb 3
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So the Chief Sexual Pervert of Florida wants to know when any girl is having a period? I want to know when the Chief Sexual Pervert of Florida is having a wank!


In other words he is trying to find out A) if school girls are having abortions, and B) if any of the school girls in the schools under his jurisdictions are actually trans women

He is the worst kind of fucking moron imaginable.

You nailed it!


None of these efforts are intended to serve the purposes he says. Cruelty is the purpose, and Trumpansese love cruelty. As long as it's cruelty against "the other".


This guy is giving other pricks a bad name... In other news, his continuing to be popular in FL, proves that the state has gone off the deep end mentally, at least the majority of voters, and is no longer a liveable place to be if you are intelligent and sane, kind of like my state, Iowa, better known to people like me as Mississippi North. Fortunately, I live in its largest city, which is a fairly diverse, liberal enclave, but I have to wonder how much longer the state's ruling Repub Party will allow us to be as we are, in our sort of free-zone part of the state.


The irony is that some female athletes don't have periods or have irregular cycles. So much for that asshole's Ivy League education. I hate this state.

MizJ Level 8 Feb 3, 2023

Here in New York we have winter, which kills off the varmints.

When I was coaching girls track, several of the girls, particularly the long distance runners would go months with no periods. This is a very vulnerable time for these young athletes and Ron needs to back off before he does lasting damage.

@glennlab No worries about the infliction of damage on school grounds, if DeathSantis fails in the gymnasium his classroom policies will inflict plenty of damage via revisionist history, "Don't say gay", and others.

@MizJ I would hate to be a teacher or a student there. There have always been issues, but today it seems like they want to micromanage every class.


Why is he so concerned with what goes on in little girls' pants?

glennlab Level 10 Feb 3, 2023

It almost makes you wonder if he is trying to get in those pants.

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