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How the Egyptians moved the huge stone blocks to build the pyramids.


First posted by Stephanie99 on another forum. Thanks, Steph.

Elganned 8 Dec 6
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By the way - the method(s) of moving large stone objects (moai in this case, blocks in Egypt) in Rapa Nui (Easter Island) has/have also been discussed. And for any on here who have visited the quarry - Have you gone to the top of the hill and examined the excavated rock (rectangular holes in and not in line, subsurfacel, but connected by narrower "slits" ) where some kind of "rope system" was located (probably to move the moai below)? The ancients were very creative in using available resources to do the "work" they encountered in their activities.

mkeaman Level 7 Jan 3, 2019

While it may be possible to use the method described here for elongated stretches - the method wouldn't work (as described here) as they got to the top (and ran out of space to locate the holes for the wood "anchors" ) or to locate the men doing the pulling?.

mkeaman Level 7 Jan 3, 2019



one block quarried and moved every 2.7 minutes for twenty years.

Duh! Not possible.

JacarC Level 8 Dec 6, 2018

@Elganned . . .1 block put in place, every 2.7 minutes. We cannot do that now.


I have seen a photo of this painting with the cerimonial explanation. I guess maybe we need to be giving a more literal explaination to a lot of Egyptian art. Perhaps, they painters in many cases were just depicting daily life.


Interesting ..

Charlene Level 9 Dec 6, 2018

So wet sand acts as tiny ball bearings ?

Cast1es Level 9 Dec 6, 2018

What I got from the article was that it stiffened the sand, and kept it from piling up in front of the load.

My question is, where did they get all that water, and how did they move it?

I’m thinking that’s a lot of water skins.

Perhaps - one explanation seems to lead to other questions.

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