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Pre-Aztec 'Flayed god' temple uncovered in Mexico


Jnei 8 Jan 3
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" ... they were skinned and hearts cut out in homage of the God. Priests commemorating the festival then wore the skins during ceremonies in dedication."

God has saved us numerous times from overpopulation.


Human sacrifice? How times have changed.


Interesting stuff

Amisja Level 8 Jan 3, 2019

I wish bloodthirsty gods would remain quiescent and in our past.

pixiedust Level 8 Jan 3, 2019

@Donotbelieve ick

@Donotbelieve, @Druvius That bit about the lack of domesticated meat is interesting.

@Donotbelieve For some reason, the system keeps erasing my thumbs up to this comment 😛

I, especially, say "ick" because I would likely have been one of the poor saps expected to clean up afterwards.

@Donotbelieve He'd better at least be tolerant if he wants me to clean the temple floors 😉

@Druvius It makes sense and is certainly thought-provoking.


Gross ! Sacrifice humans , then the priests wear the human skins .

Cast1es Level 9 Jan 3, 2019

Smelly, I suspect.


That's the only reason I'd believe in god, so I could go visit MesoAmerican civilizations in my afterlife

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