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Learning of Early American Irish Slaves in a Conversation with Master Historian Queen Elizabeth

Most American professors deny the existence of actual Irish slaves, calling them indentured servants instead. But Queen Elizabeth was kind enough to step into her private library at Buckingham Palace and spend hours researching a difficult question that I posed to her. In her reply, after perusing rare volumes and source documents simply unavailable to other scholars, some of them perhaps written in the hands of Oliver Cromwell or Charles I, she referred to the Irish as slaves, not indentures. In having to choose between publish or perish American professors that teach from texts only from the Pearson Company that has a monopoly on textbooks from kindergarten through senior year in college in the United States, as well as testing materials, I choose Elizabeth as my tutor, thank you very much. Such a monopoly is not deeply interested in new discoveries, because it would cost millions of dollars for them to revise text and testing materials, now wouldn't it?

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MoonTiger 7 Jan 16
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It is odd to hear that as Americans you are unaware of the use of Irish and Scottish slaves in America, here in Canada we learned of them in middle school.

@MoonTiger I am aware of your nations failing but, is the public education really that lacking in actual historical facts?

This bit of whitewash on white slaves has been around half a century that I can attest. I started school back then, and "indentured servants" was a topic that flashed by with little detail. I would not be a bit surprised that the reality is only now being generally known here in the US, and still little mentioned in schools.
"Indentured" is now recognized as a classic euphemism, as though that status was any better than being slaves except that the servitude was only for a limited time. Some who have actually researched the facts concluded that living conditions and survival for "temp slaves" was more wretched than for lifetime slaves. After all, they were the submerged and despised, and therefore their fate was of little concern to everyone that looked down on them. Good popular account I have seen is in Jim Goad's historical molotov cocktail, "The Redneck Manifesto" []


They were actually "transported" to what is now Georgia..a penal colony..much like Australia was..

Charlene Level 9 Jan 17, 2019

Wow, Spag84 was just telling me about this but I didn't quite believe him. That'll teach me! I thought they were just hopelessly indentured but theoretically able to work their way out of servitude.

Carin Level 8 Jan 16, 2019

I had a business partner when I lived in Bermuda and his family went back to the original settlers on that island. His recollection from family lore was that the black slaves had it better than the white slaves because you could only own the white slaves for 7 years but black slaves were property for life. You took better care of the black slaves because they were an investment but the white slaves were like a lease, no point in investing money in a lease because in the end you wouldn't own it. Many white 'indentured' servants didn't survive the last year of their servitude because they would often starve to death or die of exposure, food and proper clothing being deemed a bad investment in the final year of the lease.

Surfpirate Level 9 Jan 16, 2019

I read Ronat Lentin's book How The Irish Became White. According to her, the Irish were worse than slaves because they had no value at all, considering black slaves had to be paid for. She says the Irish paved the way for rising in American society initially through violence towards black slaves, taking employment from them by force.

brentan Level 8 Jan 16, 2019
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