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interesting article on "Online LIDAR Map Leads to Maya-related Discovery" from the New York Times. No paywall. []

dede18 8 Oct 9
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Cool technology!

MojoDave Level 9 Oct 9, 2019

Cool. I wish we has access to Lidar when I was doing archaeology

t1nick Level 8 Oct 9, 2019

The sites of French fortresses of Louis XIV's time have been found from studying aerial photos. You can also sometimes locate the sites of ancient forests, using Google Earth.

davknight Level 8 Oct 9, 2019

@dede18 I enjoy picking small towns at random, in the UK, France, Switzerland, and Italy. I enlarge the image, until it turns horizontal, and it feels like I'm driving a car up and down the streets, and roads. I can't afford to travel. So Google Earth makes a good substitute!

@dede18Once, I was "driving" down a street in Belfast, N.I., and a pair of girls on the sidewalk, flipped the 'bird' at the Google camera car!


Amazing find

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 9, 2019
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