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from whence the Indo-Europeans? []

Allamanda 8 Nov 1
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It makes logical sense that early humans would have followed migration routes that either, traced the paths of permanently flowing rivers or remained close/within walking distances of the sea shores since both would be great sources of foods and eventually most rivers flow into the sea somewhere.
The development of languages is another thing altogether, Why and How differing languages evolved amongst our earliest ancestors is probably a question we may never know the answer to.

Triphid Level 9 Nov 1, 2019

@Allamanda More likely to be a HUGE maybe than a 'should be' imho though since we HAVE no wat of travelling back into time and witnessing such things for ourselves, ergo, we merely postulate, often inaccurately, using the flawed evidence based upon how we are in this day and age, etc.
For example, An Archaeologist digs up a skeleton buried in a certain and postulates that "This person was buried in accordance to the religious beliefs at the time," BUT could NOT the person have buried in such a manner purely because that is how it was envisaged that they were as an unborn baby. etc, and NOT because of some 'religious belief system?'
It has been shown, also, that trading occurred quite regularly between somewhat, so-called 'ísolated' groups/communities, etc, therefore there must have been some kind of common communication used to make this trading arrangement viable, must there not?

E.g. Australian Aboriginal Clans/Tribes were separated by hundreds of miles for over 20+ thousands of years YET they each had a separate language and STILL managed to trade and communicate with each other.

@Allamanda Yes BUT DNA and Carbon Dating really can't tell us about languages can they and languages spoken by early humans is also a part of the Archaeological Understanding is it not?

@Allamanda DNA, etc, ONLY tell us about ours and their Genetic Origins AND occasionally the foods, minerals, etc, that were available and consumed.
They CANNOT tell ANYTHING about their religions/religious beliefs, we can ONLY postulate/guess at what they were given what we know from the times we live in UNLESS there are decodable writings, etc, found to verify those guesses and then, as was the case when the Rosetta stone was finally deciphered, in comes the 'ínfluences' of modern religious beliefs that try to dictate, as the Catholic Church did with the Rosetta Stone, what should be and what should be in accordance with THEIR ideologies at the time.
When the Frenchman ( can't recall his name atm) decode the Rosetta Stone he WAS ordered by the Church on pain of Excommunication I might add, THAT he "SHOULD NOT reveal ANYTHING that may bring doubt or contradict the validity of the Bible in any way and MUST depict the Ancient Egyptians as being Pagans, Heathens. Cruel, Brutal, Primitive Godless Savages."
Thankfully, the íron grip of religions has abated somewhat these days BUT it still is exerted from time to time subliminally none-the -less in Archaeological circles, etc.

@Allamanda Thank you.

@Allamanda It was Frenchman, Jean-Francois Champillion who first decoded the Rosetta Stone back in the 19th. Century.


What a great article from my perspective. I have wondered for 100 years about the same questions.

This makes perfect sense. It also brings forward a hypothetical narrative of the Flood Myth (inundation of the basin) to form the Black Sea and migration of the people from around that area as a result.

@Allamanda Hahaha. Just my over-exaggeration as I am prone to from time to time

@Allamanda yes, I wonder if there is a pass somewhere in the Caucasian mountains that would be indigenous active of a route. A long time ago now I know, but just a thought

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