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My pussy cat lived till she was 25 years old. We had to put her down as she become very ill in the end but she was the most loving of creatures. I still miss her.

Jolanta Level 9 Dec 6, 2019

Very fucking cool! My grandpa didn't like cats. However there was one that would not leave him alone. He adopted the cat, and she had 2 kittens. They ended up at my dads farm. One lived to be 17. The other 19. Never been inside a house. We would call one The Boss Cat, and the other The Boss Cats Sister. We had around 100 cats at the farm. That's why we called them the Boss Cats. All the other cats seemed to have a lot of respect for both. The only reason why I know their age is because they were born the same year as me.

I love these little furry farts! Don't ever take me to a place that has cats, or sells firearms. I usually end up with one or the other.


Very sweet cat, Mazel Tov

OldGoat43 Level 9 Dec 5, 2019

That is a perfect relationship. Congratulations!

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Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness...Got ya!!!

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