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I posted some time ago about my cat's Doppelganger.

Tonight, it happened again, in all it's blissfulness. Cat v Doppelganger.

Funny thing? My cat gives not one fuck. Me? I'm going nuts. "Mister!!!! Look!!!! There you are, but inside!!!!!"

My cat? sigh "Seriously?????" 🤚


(Excuse the typos. I'm LOLing and it's good enough.)


SeaGreenEyez 9 Mar 21
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Soon after our cat Jango passed, a new cat with almost identical markings showed up at our house. We think it was Jango's friend, as the cat came from the same place where we had seen Jango return from many times.

It was about six months after Jango passed that we got Whiskers.

snytiger6 Level 9 Mar 22, 2022

My Service Cat Kiti 9 has no white belly but does have a white upper chest leading to her white nose 4 white paws BLACK&BRONZE tiger striping is however I understand a throw back to ancient African Civets not to be confused with USA civets that are more like skunks....African Civets are all black&bronze a bit more circular patterns than "tiger" white nose zero white paws..
Your DOPPLEGANGER also exists on many WalMart walls above the kitty litter & cat feeds s/he is perched above a food bowl looking down at us shoppers & Kiti 9 lovers ....what is your cat name staring aimlessly at the world ???



@SeaGreenEyez I can just imagine.

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