5 11

Yup. That’s pretty much how it goes.

Appleriver 8 July 27
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You give in easy.

glennlab Level 10 July 27, 2024

I do. lol and they know I’m a pushover with them.


Kitties rule, people make lists on paper.

Too true!

@Appleriver Which can of course, be tossed out.


The cat always wins. It's their world, you only live in it..

I finally realized that. I’m just grateful for the tiny corner of my queen size bed they allow me to have.


My kitties have had SUCH a BAD week! I had house guests, including two under 6 years old!! My daughter and her family were here from the Netherlands. The kitties spent most of the days under my bed, unless we were out of the house. And last night all my kids and spouses and grands and my ex husband were here for the farewell dinner. They are all gone now, the travelers are on their first airplane. The kitties have come out to survey the damage. Last week the rules were that there were no rules.

My cats run for the hills when people come over. When the doorbell rings they vanish into thin air.

@Appleriver If my cats are not under my bed, they are in the basement IN the floor/ceiling (the joist space between the upstairs floor and basement ceiling). There is a section they can access by jumping from the top of the dryer, to the shelf, and up. My fear is that they will die up there one day, or get stuck.


The cat rules! Right now, my cat sits between the screen and me, causing me to dodge his 12-lb Maine coon bulk so I can see what I've written. He KNOWS I don't like this he does it at every opportunity.

pamagain Level 8 July 27, 2024

My cat will ignore me until I pick up the phone to play games or pick up the Nintendo switch controller. Then he’s all over me. I put it down he goes away. I pick it up he comes back. We do that 10-15 times before I just give up. 🤣

@Appleriver Making your living by stalking and watching prey evolves patience! My Sherman will be apparently deep into sleep unless I tiptoe into the kitchen. Then, he's magically up on the counter, telling me how pathetic and starving he is. I'll bet your cat plays that game, too.

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