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i can't remember whether i have already posted this picture of golde but it's the right month to post it, right? so here it is for the first time or again!


genessa 8 Oct 21
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That is beyond wonderful!

Hathacat Level 9 Oct 27, 2018

she is such a good girl!



Santa Golde

OldGoat43 Level 9 Oct 22, 2018

complete with claus!



Don't look too happy about it...

she was fine 🙂)



Great picture of a cat that gives and gives.

she is a lover! she will groom my hair, kiss my hands and face, stick her butt in my face and lovingly fart at me... you know: love.


@genessa Now that is a great and loving critter, would be jealous if I did not now have six that basically do the same thing.

@dalefvictor six? oh my, i only have five. does the dog count?



Doesn't look too pissed! Cute photo!

Hathacat Level 9 Oct 21, 2018

she's a good girl! thanks 🙂) she has lost so much weight since then she is painfully bony. i am trying to fatten her back up but she did turn 15 this past june, so it may all be in vain. she isn't acting old or tired or anything but i never see her eating her dry food with the other cats. she will eagerly eat the wet food i give her, but the other cats do want it too, and meanwhile it kind of gives her the runs. i want her to live forever!


@genessa sounds like a dental problem. If she had a abscess she would not be able to eat hard stuff. They don’t show pain often either. Animals are so stoic.

@Hathacat i was just wondering that tonight, actually, when i saw her licking at the flat lump of food right from the can. when i fluffed it up with my fingers she ate it. that was the first time i thought maybe it was a tooth thing. i'll have to check them. she is old, after all.


@genessa My sisters older cat had perio problems. Look for cavities, of course, but red swollen gums is the big deal.

@Hathacat my eyes are bad. i wouldn't be able to see a cavity if it had a big sign on it saying "mccavity's cavity"! but i do press around her jaws and cheeks and get no flinching. she is eating a lot better with the wet food. i'll hand her a kernel later and see what she does with it.


@genessa I don't think that would work, so the vet is a better bet.

@Hathacat we have a problem with that and it's killing us. we always took really good care of our babies. richard could drive; if anyone got sick, he drove them out to the vet. we weren't rich but we had money. right now we are in distress and facing homelessness. we also have no way to get to the vet. i need to ask around for help but i have already begun that and so far... no help.


@genessa I have been hearing that a lot the last couple of years! High school friends are in the streets or almost! I just don't know many that are not just a paycheck or catastrophe away! Well I know you will do what you can for your kitty. I would try rubbing with a wet wash cloth to stimulate the gums if she would let me. If not, you just do what you can and love on them, right? Take care of yourself!

@Hathacat thanks! i actually have come up with what seems to be a good solution for the immediate emergency, which is to stop her from pulling a karen carpenter on me. i put the meow mix in the blender and turned it into powder. then i moistened it until it had the texture of canned cat food. she can't eat much at a time but she LOVES it and is going for ir quite eagerly! if i stand and watch her while she eats i can keep the dog and other cats away. i just feed her several times a day. tonight, breakthrough: she was waiting for me in the kitchen!


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