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I've decided to be cat woman this year ?

Capricorn 6 Jan 1
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What's new,pussycat?


Love the hat!

Hathacat Level 9 Jan 1, 2019

Thanks, it's from the app too lol

Every cat should own a hat.. That sounds Dr Seus like ???

@Capricorn Then you need to go get you one! It looks so cute on you!

@Hathacat thanks, I was thinking the same thing!


Until I saw your photo I wasn't aware of such contact lenses as I've never worn them. Definitely a unique look! Very nice!

MojoDave Level 9 Jan 1, 2019

Thank you actually it's an app I downloaded and cat eyes was an option so I created the entire look centered around those eyes

@Capricorn FYI

@MojoDave you know what I have a huge phobia about putting contacts in, I wear glasses but won't switch, I also had a phobia against tattoos but... Got one of those! #babysteps

@Capricorn I hate anything getting close to my eyes too. That's why I've never had contacts

@MojoDave right or up my nose, no can do!

@Capricorn Jesus you two

@darthfaja what??

@darthfaja use your words

@MojoDave that's what I want to know

@Capricorn Congratulations, I'm not ready for that! ?

@Capricorn hahaha
Ok ok
Afraid to put things in your nose or in your eyes???
Come on now ....

@MojoDave congratulations?

@darthfaja why is that funny?

@darthfaja Some people have a fear of heights or a fear of crowds or a fear of open spaces, snakes, spiders. If you don't, consider yourself lucky. You sound like you think these problems are rational. LOL! They're not.

@Capricorn congratulations that you got beyond your fear of tattoos! Like you say baby steps.

@MojoDave oh right right right, I'm definitely getting more




@Capricorn Hahahaha.....


Meeeeoooowwwww!! Very nice!!

Thank you


Very nice.

Thank you


Wow. .. a great look!!

Thanks it's an app on my phone lol

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