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Mr. Picino decided to stick out his tongue at me a few days ago. he actually does it often. when he is happy. Anyone else’s cat stick out their tongues? Hope everyone did something joyful while others were praying to their invisible Santa

FSMLion 7 Dec 26
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bobwjr Level 10 Dec 26, 2019

The blep!

I wish I caught them on camera cause they are adorable. 💜

RavenCT Level 9 Dec 26, 2019

He's handsome, is he really all brown?

OldGoat43 Level 9 Dec 26, 2019

He’s actually jet black but the lighting gave him highlights when I snapped the photo


When I was a child, our family cat "Spooky", was an all black short hair, who stuck hsi tongue out when he was sitting all content and happy.

We also had a fireplace that was open on the front and one side, and Spooky would cut through the corner and walk through the fireplace, even when there was a fire going.

snytiger6 Level 9 Dec 26, 2019


In retrospect his name should have been "Smoky".

@RavenCT The cat was a part of my family of origin before I was born. So, I had no part in naming him. The fireplace could burn wood, but also had gas, He would usually walk through when it was just the gas flames, but he was an unusual cat. He put up with a house with 6 kids, but seldom used his claws.

@snytiger6 Now that's a Good Kitty! ❤

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Posted by LaurenIt would be warmer for us both if he'd get on my lap, but it has to be his idea - though he still likes to stay close.

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