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Doctors refusing to sterilize consenting adult females


UrsiMajor 8 Jan 9
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I got told it's not available in the UK on the National Health Service any more, tried to find out about having my tubes tied or whatever works. But we do have access to free contraception so it's not all bad 🙂


That's one thing about religions. The control over uteruses seems to be a big issue for them. They want women to make as many babies as they can for them so that they can outnumber the other religions.


I had my vasectomy @30. My doctor was fine with it, he just didn't want me to regret it if I changed my mind so he put me off for close to a year. I'm now 55 and I haven't had a single regret. Well, not about that. 🙂


The doctor is an idiot and should let her get sterilized. This planet is over populated as is. I would get a vasectomy if I had the money to do so.

freedom41 Level 9 Jan 9, 2019

I was refused from the age of 20 through the age of 35. IMO, all those doctors should have to reimburse me for all the birth control pills, condoms, and sponges that I had to pay for out of hand. I attempted to find an attorney to sue all my previous doctors 17 years ago for reimbursement but none would take the case. Bastards.

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