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LINK Liberals bashing leftists is a big problem

"Liberal bashing of lefties (also called hippy punching) is something I see constantly, both online and more subtly at the New York Times, and it is a big problem because it gets in the way of people understanding some issues. Instead people start talking about how they see themselves as moderate or practical and the importance of the issues often get lost under the posturing."

I've never seen the term "hippy punching" before. I found it originated in 2007, from a satirical right-wing article: []

Funny when "liberals" and right-wingers (not sure I really want to call them conservatives at this point) can agree on something.

altschmerz 9 July 18
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The regressive lefties and their tiresome crap.
I've seen youtube clips in which they talk about how much they hate another person on the left, then run a five seconds clip and repeat how much they hate him one last time. They lie and appear proud to be lying, probably for the clicks.

I think the right wingers are the worst people in the country but I'm not particularly excited about the murky underbelly of the alternative.

MLinoge Level 7 Oct 12, 2019

It's actually regressive leftists bashing liberals.

JacarC Level 8 Aug 7, 2019

All this is coming from the fact that the extreme liberal left is an All or Nothing Group . If they do not get their way, then Fuck Everybody else . This Country is Scared to death of change, if we were not then we would have an Economy more like Norway or Sweden . The change will come But it is Never going to come overnight to America . If you are not willing to tack to the center YOU ARE ALWAYS GOING TO LOSE IN AMERICA . If you do not wake up and realize that Now, then Get ready for a future 4 Year Dictatorship of the Orange Communist Turd . You had BETTER WAKE THE FUCK UP NOW !

GEGR Level 7 July 20, 2019

Centrism is political Ambien. The Establishment Dems got us to where we are now.

Even now, they would rather lose with a centrist than win with a progressive.

all or nothing? No. Two criteria- honesty and no corporate money. I can't think of a single reason for a democrat to care about anything other than that.

is what you are saying here not bashing liberals? You "oppose" liberal bashing EXCEPT when they think they deserve a candidate who isn't immoral? The audacity! How dare they refuse to vote for the next crooked est dem? After all Red corruption is far worse than blue isn't it? Blue bombs that kill children are nothing like red bombs. At least they are fired by a democrat right? Everyone knows wars of aggression are only means to spread democracy and we will be greatly appreciated in history for allowing it.


I think that this stems from staunch , diehard , partisan Democrats committing the false dilemma fallacy. [] They have come to divide Americans up between Democrats , whom in their mind are good , and Republicans , whom are the enemy. So if on principle , right or wrong , you like me voted for the Green candidate , Jill Stein , over Hillary Clinton , you would be lumped in together with Trump voters , despite vastly different worldviews . Also , I have noticed that those who are Democrats believe that Democrats can do nothing wrong , or at least are not as bad as Republicans , and that Republicans feel the same about themselves in relation to Democrats .

Marmion Level 6 July 18, 2019

Good bit of it

bobwjr Level 10 July 18, 2019
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