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LINK Is it Time to Throw Out Both Democrats and Republicans? | Intellectual Takeout

Now, I’m not saying both parties are the same, because the Republican party is much, much worse, but the fact that one rogue element (we all know who I’m talking about) could do so much damage, much less even win the presidency, points to the insufficiency of this so-called opposition party. And, as James Madison said, “When the variety and number of political parties increases, the chance for oppression, factionalism, and non-skeptical acceptance of ideas decreases.”

As for one of the reasons it’s hard to get a third-party candidate on the ballot: []

altschmerz 9 Oct 19
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Nice quote. It seems like there is a wind of change. Maybe it will blow over, but I suspect, maybe in the long term, but possibly the short term, the electoral system will change to one human one vote.

Dems have won the popular vote in the past, but didn't gain the presidency. Seems like a change will come from this.

If that occurs, it would seem likely that new Federal laws would override state laws with time. Then people, like Jones in the attached article, will be a little more silent and hopefully a part of the past.

Heathenman Level 7 Oct 20, 2019

You might as well say Trump 2020!

Lorajay Level 9 Oct 20, 2019

@altschmerz Here in Oklahoma it really makes not difference who you vote for if you are against Trump because this is one of the reddest of the red states and he will probably take 70% of the vote and Pence will take 58%. I will vote anyway and work to get others to vote though because our urban area elected Kendra Horn, a middle of the road voting Democrat even though I know she is personally very liberal. Both Kendra and myself are pragmatic and know the number of Democrats in the house matter a great deal in this crazy time.

That said I think in some of the states in the NE every vote counts and a third party vote or a stay at home voter because they don't like either party will definitely re elect Trump.I think that is what happened last time. I am pro choice but the loss of the Supreme Court for generations means a lot more than losing access to abortion. Abortion is just their cattle call, they will also be able to institutionalize monopolies, and even though they claim to be for states rights, they will take care of their corporate sponsors by doing away with state laws that protect both the environment and workers if they continue to have control of the courts. Of course they have also appointed more federal judges at lower levels than any Democratic president was ever able to do because McConnell stopped all those efforts. Yes the parties are very much alike but I do not think we would have the same justice system we have now if evil Hillary or bland Gore had won. I believe in accomplishing what is possible. I do my best to never accept the worst in demand for the perfect. Is my age showing? Yes, I think living and watching politics for 55 years has definitely softened my expectations and goals.

@altschmerz Guilty as charged. I will read them now.

@altschmerz I read the article which to a certain extinct confirmed my belief that the third party candidate often ends up taking away votes from the party they are most like therefore electing the party they dislike the most.

I would love to see the emergence of new parties. I believe for that to be successful, they need to start at the city level and show us what they can do. When that happens, they will be much more likely to garner enough votes at the next higher level. Starting at the presidential level is ludicrous to me. I thought for years the parliamentary system had some advantages over our system until I saw Boris get elected. Nothings perfect and demanding perfection is self defeating in politics and most aspects of life. I do think we should set our goals toward perfection but the demanding part is what kills us.

@Bobby9 I was referring to a vote for Pence as Presidential candidate not VP.


No way, all for additional parties . The Republiturds are destroying themselves ( but they will come back Worse than ever ) .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 19, 2019

No. As a party the dems, while not perfect (and who the hell is perfect?) are awfully good. Look what the house has passed so far this year: good stuff (sitting on Mitch the bitch's desk). Look at the democratic party platform for any modern election year. No, it is not time to get rid of that party. Now name a party qualified to take its place. ------------------- right. I rest my case.


genessa Level 8 Oct 19, 2019

@altschmerz NO not the green party, and why do they think they can just throw up a presidential candidate without paying their dues? you grow as a party. you govern. you develop an experienced party and when you put up a presidential candidate you have candidates to back him/her up in congress and in state houses and in municipalities. and you don't present a russian asset as your best candidate, either.


@altschmerz No. But I didn't read the first one either. I answered the question. It was not the first time I had heard it thought about that question.


@altschmerz i've heard them all. i really have. i am tired of the subject; it's been beaten to death. there comes a point where one says "enough." i am past that point.



Yes, I fully support it. I know a new Trumpian Party will come up. Progressives of must think fast.

St-Sinner Level 9 Oct 19, 2019

Yeah agree

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 19, 2019

Yep, throw the bums out.

EdEarl Level 8 Oct 19, 2019

the problem is systemic. government service was never meant to make people rich - but that's all it has become. money MUST be removed from politics. legislate citizen's united away. bar pols from wal-street and stock speculation and get rid of lobbying. we need to fund elections publicly and treat elected officials like the greeks suggested as dorm residents with uniforms.

JeffMesser Level 8 Oct 19, 2019
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