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Gen Mattis Defends Protestors and Says Trump Tries to Divide Us

Former Trump Defense Secretary Gen. Jim Mattis, excoriated President Trump on Wednesday by accusing him of deliberately trying to divide Americans, denouncing Trump’s threats of using military force on American streets, and praising those demanding justice following the police killing of George Floyd.

In related news, it’s being reported that an autopsy has just revealed that George Floyd also was a carrier of the coronavirus, but was apparently completely asymptomatic. That means the cops who murdered him, could potentially get the virus themselves and end up in the hospital on some respirator. Well, one thing’s for sure, if that were to ever happen - they’d definitely gain a much better understanding of what “I can’t breath” actually means.


johnnyrobish 8 June 3
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Being ex military I really hope they are prepared to relieve him of command if he loses.

He looks for yes men and overrides military judgements. He puts people in command who do not have the most seniority. His pick for command at NATO may be qualified, but at least two officers of higher rank were overlooked - for that position that is awful.

This really represents a huge crack in the Trump armor. Reminds me a little of the fall of Joe McCarthy.

@johnnyrobish I hope.

A friend is a bit disappointed in the military for not already haven risen up to relieve him of command as he is clearly a threat to our national security. Although I find tRump a scourge on society, I do not agree with my friend.

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