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Trump Says Public Tired of the Pandemic and Fauci’s Public Health Restrictions

In a call with his campaign staff Monday, President Trump dismissed precautions designed to prevent the spread of Covid-19, arguing that people are getting sick and tired of all this focus on the pandemic, describing Dr. Fauci as a “disaster” and adding that “People are tired of listening to Fauci and these idiots.”

Well, people may indeed be tired of hearing about the coronavirus, but I’d much rather be tired of “hearing” about the virus, than be dead from it. The problem with that line of thinking is - the coronavirus is not quite tired of people yet. I mean, I’m sick and tired of going to dentists too, but that doesn’t mean if I get a toothache, I’m gonna instead seek out Kellyanne Conway’s help on the matter.

And, what the hell’s with this attack on Dr. Fauci? I mean, calling Dr. Fauci a “disaster” and an “idiot?” Kinda makes you wonder, who’s gonna be next on his hit list - Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, baby harp seals? Of course, the truth be known, the President doesn’t really need Dr. Fauci’s advice. Not when he has folks like Dr. Atlas, the MyPillow guy and Lara Trump around.

Now, in any other civilized nation, a 74-year-old narcissistic madman, who’s a verified compulsive liar, looks like a circus clown, and rants and raves endlessly about bogus conspiracy theories - would be put in a home.  Instead, we Americans chose to elect him President. Why, that’s almost enough to make one think that may have something to do with why we’re now the world’s leader in coronavirus cases and deaths. Gee, ya think?


johnnyrobish 8 Oct 19
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Okay. I'll give him one. I'm tired of the pandemic, and I am tired of restrictions. If we had a functional adult in the oval office, we could have ended this months ago, and lifted the restrictions which his idiot followers don't adhere to anyway.

JimG Level 8 Oct 21, 2020

Republiturds ...... The Stupid is Bone Deep .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 20, 2020

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