How do you define socialism? What would you consider the pillars of the political platform?
There is no single authoritative definition that can validly claim to invalidate all others. So Marx's is great. But socialism can also refer to a limited process, rather than an exclusive system of the whole society. So any time goods and services are generated collectively in society and available to the broad populace, that can be socialism. ...public education, paid maternity and paternity leave, charity hospitals, Medicare, national defense and natural disaster rescue could be examples. So, a society like Norway has decidely more socialism at work than, for example, the United States, but neither is entirely socialist or capitalist; just at different points on the spectrum.
I might have said this before but when I was at uni I did my final dissertation on famous older women in Merseyside - There were eight of them that i interviewed and one of them told me
Sociialism is one person one dinner, nobody two dinners, till everyone has had one dinner. I really love it !
Socialism is about returning us (a higher, industrial level civilization) to the humane human relations that existed for most of our time on earth: participatory democracy and communal ownership. It is about overcoming the fundamental psycho-social ailment of capitalism: Alienation.
I hear you man. What is your plan to achieve those goals?
To go along with what Don said, the political element would be council democracy, whereby people are empowered at their workplaces and neighborhoods. Participatory Democracy!
What your plan for developing that style of government? We currently reside in The United States which is a federal republic and a constitutional representative democracy.
As far as I'm concerned, the only thing required for socialism is that the workers own the means of production. Pretty much everything else is open for debate after that. For instance, a lot of people hear 'socialism' and think welfare programs. While socialized, and often very useful, they are not socialism. But they could still be utilized within a socialist economy, though socialism itself should mitigate the need for most welfare programs.
I agree. THE WORKERS OWN THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION. There is zero requirement for a state. State socialism vs. Stateless socialism is the big debare. Why stop the revolution at the economic system. Smash the state!
@Bakunin Depends on what you mean by the 'state'. As an entity separated from the people, I absolutely agree. Direct democracy all the way! ?
@Bakunin, @DonThiebaut Semi-direct democracies can function in the modern world. Example Switzerland. However get a population of votes informed and engaged enough to support a republic is extremely difficult. It will be a multigenerational task to shift the state from the repersentive democracy model to the Semi-direct democracy model through the steady improvement of the citizens education and welfare.
The US vote turn out is in the ballpark of 60%. The informed voter is likely half that. As an example of uninformed voting. What are the duties of a country commisioner?...
"In a county commission form of government, a body of elected commissioners serves both the executive and the legislative duties, meaning they enact local ordinances and administer them. They approve budgets, oversee spending and hire county employees. The commission usually consists of three to five officials."
Without that knowledge how can a voter be expected to make a assessment of an candidates qualifications for the post.
Let alone make informed voting decisions on the policies and duties of that office.
@Nos2342 the state will not do that. The state exists, in essence, to protect private power and private property. The state will always take the side of corporations. This is ensured by corporate kickbacks to politicians. Bribery in essence. The state exists to protect the opulent minority from the people's majority using the force of police and army if necessary.
@Nos2342, in theory I agree with @Bakunin, but lets not forget that 'the state' is an idea. The actual functionaries are very much human, and largely unaware of their position as societal gatekeepers, merely taking bribes and shuffling policy as a function of maintaining their own power, rather than as a goal. So it's not impossible to have beneficial laws slip through the cracks. I don't believe a socialist revolution of any sort will come from within the state, but an easement on our difficulties in making our own revolution could. I would support any law or policy that made cooperatives easier to start, or any law that made capitalist enterprise more difficult, assuming those laws were effective and limited to the subject. I would imagine there could be any number of potential laws, some more effective than others.
@Nos2342, also, I feel I should point out that direct democracy isn't as difficult as it may seem, from an education standpoint. Much of our low voter turnout and poor voter education is due to the difficulty in juggling candidates as platforms. It's easy, for instance, to say 'I'm pro choice, and here's why'. It's less easy to say, 'I'm pro choice, so I need to vote for Buck Jones, because he says he supports choice, but he voted against a bill supporting it, but that bill had riders, but his opponent also claims pro choice, but he's flip flopped in the past, and supports things I don't like, but...'
I think, in general, it's fairly easy to educate people on issues, especially when there isn't an incentive to intentionally mislead people for votes. The representatives get in the way of that, and make voting much more complex than it needs to be.
@Nos2342 I would mention that a good example would be the the Marcora Law < [] , [] , [] >
@Marmion, I hadn't heard of that. But I'm glad to see it. I'm hopeful that the US can soon get something like that in place. I know some city and state governments have smaller-scale versions.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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