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This is a piece I wrote two and a half years ago. Keep in mind, it is fiction. Actual events did not play out exactly this way . . . . . . but.

Hitching A Ride On A Cosmic Train

Narcissism often leads us to relate to others as objects instead of as equals – Martin Buber 192

November 5, 2016 – 7:20 pm EST – Breaking News – CNN Headline News – Erin Burnett reporting,

“At 10:00 am this morning, a video emerged of Hillary Clinton in conversation with her aide Huma Abedin discussing King Salman and the Saudi royal families financial ties and support of the Wahabbi sect in the Saudi kingdom. The video sound track was murky but there appears to be a comment by Secretary Clinton that employs a profanity in reference to King Salman and his apparent support and funding of Wahabbi schools that have been deemed as training grounds for Muslim extremists.

The Saudi Government has issued a strong rebuke and placed an embargo on crude oil shipments to the United States. Muslim leaders in Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan and Kazakhistan have joined the Saudis and issued similar rebukes. Exxon-Mobil immediately issued a $2.49 per gallon increase in gas at the pump.

This incident follows closely on the heels of an announcement yesterday by the Benghazi Investigation committee in Congress that there is incontestable evidence that Secretary Clinton used her personal email server to send highly classified information that jeopardized the safety of the security staff at the Libyan Embassy. The Grand Jury stands ready to indict Secretary Clinton at 8:00 am tomorrow morning.

This chain of events comes three days before election day. The latest New York Times instant polls have shown Hillary Clintons standing in the polls plummet by 30 points. The Times poll shows a dramatic reversal with Donald Trump now leading Clinton by a margin of 44% to Clintons 32%. Clinton advisor James Carville has called this “A political smear job unprecedented in American politics,” stating that, “With 3 days before the election, there is no way to recover from this despicable series of lies and innuendo.”

Donald Trump and the American Congress have offered a formal rebuke and demanded that Clinton offer up a formal apology. Clinton has issued a statement that the video was a fabrication and an example of exactly how low Trump will stoop to redirect his failing campaign.”

November 9, 2016 – 8:15 am – Breaking News – CNN Headline News – Wolf Blitzer reporting.

“In the most dramatic turnaround in the history of United States politics, Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States. He won with a margin of 42% to Hillary Clinton’s 38%. Gary Johnson and the Libertarians collected 17% of the national vote.

One week ago Hillary was polling at 61% to Trumps 28%. The election was predicted to be the biggest presidential landslide in history. The Democrats and the Clinton campaign are in a state of shock. There are reports that Bill Clinton went on a rampage last night at the St Regis hotel in Manhattan, smashing mirrors and windows. We will bring you further news on this story as the facts come in.”

January 21, 2017 – 4:30 pm – Breaking News – Fox news – Megan Kelly reporting.

“This is my last broadcast for Fox News. I have been asked by Donald Trump to take on the duties of National Press Secretary. I feel honored to serve my country in that capacity. We have had extensive conversation about the Trump philosophy and I can say I am 100% on board with my president. We want to make America great again.

A Narcissist: Wikipedia

An obvious self-focus in interpersonal exchanges
Problems in sustaining satisfying relationships
A lack of psychological awareness
Difficulty with empathy
Problems distinguishing the self from others
Hypersensitivity to any insults or imagined insults
Vulnerability to shame rather than guilt
Haughty body language
Flattery towards people who admire and affirm them
Detesting those who do not admire them
Using other people without considering the cost of doing so
Pretending to be more important than they actually are
Bragging (subtly but persistently) and exaggerating their achievements
Claiming to be an “expert” at many things
Inability to view the world from the perspective of other people
Denial of remorse and gratitude

What difference does it make?

This man that feels no regret, no remorse and no gratitude? A failure to appreciate. A failure to see value in others. He does not relate.

This man has no soul.

This man is not interested in your well being, only his own enrichment. He will stop at nothing to achieve that. His sense of entitlement does not waver.

Beware the man who has never fallen, the man who has never picked himself up and dusted himself off. He has no experience in dealing with adversity.

Beware the man who has never heard ‘No.’

Beware the man who bullies and belittles and denigrates others (women, the disabled, ethnicities and differing points of view or beliefs) to gain advantage.

Government is not a business. There are no unilateral decisions. Diplomacy reigns.

This man would walk the ‘Killing Fields’ while dabbing on sunscreen and marveling at the wonderful rhythm he was making as the skulls crunched beneath his Jack Boots.

We have seen this man before.

Do not let your anger write our history.

“People say that if you’re still angry at 52, you’re not an angry young man, just a grumpy old git.” – Paul Weller

Little tune from The Cat

Lincoln55 8 Oct 21
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