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If you consider yourself a Progressive you should know by now that these centrist corporate dems are not going to do a damn thing for the country much less climate change. They are only wanting your vote so they can get more corporate funding while the rest of the nation suffers. Here's something to really focus on

Looking4-Others 8 July 19
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@Looking4-Others/ Tony;

Let me's kind of a blanket "pre-judicial remark to say "centrist corporate dems are not going to do a damn thing for the country"...

Dems stand, much more so, for the middle american, the average American, than Republicans do.

So let's give them some credit; and not lump all "Dems" whether centrist or leftist or progressive with any faction of the Republican party.

Remember; there's even a few legitimately wise, and caring Republicans. Yes, they also have a huge majority that favor corporate welfare over the welfare of the average American...but even a few Republicans show the courage to go against the tide.

Be careful of blanket pre-judicial statements, please. It shows your poor judgment not the truth...and as Agnostics, that's what we strongly seek out....the facts....the truth.

Robecology Level 9 July 19, 2019

Let's consider what our alternatives are.

The rich will survive and thrive.

There will be a massive die-off of the not so wealthy as the planet gets hotter.

The #religulous will say "it's gods plan".

The scientists/agnostics will fight for legislation but won't get much done....the wealthy profit from denying climate keeps their fossil-fuel-related profits flowing; and seeing that the wealthy are the politicians (or have them "in their pockets" )...we won't see much official change.

The wealthy who live on the shore are well insured....they're actually "betting" (paying insurance) in favor of a devastating coastal storm and/or sea level rise so they can rebuild bigger, stronger, and higher above sea level.

The poor and not so wealthy...the folks who live close to the shore because they have's their living....will lose, struggle to survive, go bankrupt, suffer injuries, diseases, and shorter life spans as the seas encroach.

Watch this 20 second video. The poor vs the rich. The haves vs the have-nots...we will see the disasters increase in death tolls and frequency as time marches on....


Robecology Level 9 July 19, 2019

@Looking4-Others The "horror" will come if we let the wealthy throw away too many regulations, and hide/mask the lasting damage of fossil fuels.

The horror will be if we start an exponential temp rise that puts even most land plants and animals at risk....essentially resetting the evolutionary clock back 100 million years.

I have a video that you might be interested in....I keep it's that important....


No shit

bobwjr Level 10 July 19, 2019

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