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RT International News Program

Has recently added their news program to their page of shows. []

You can find it at the bottom of the page or this link where the most updated version is at the top. Which is the page the above link takes you to []

As I have stated in the past, their International news provides an entirely different view of the world with many other various types of people in which I highly suggest catching at least once a day. You can now do that at any time you have free time to do so. You can also add their free app to your TV and access this page from your TV using the web access on it.

While many of the programs on the show page are good, my favorites are Cross Talk, Direct Impact, Going Underground, and Worlds Apart.

Of course I've posted many from the series of Documentary since the Ukraine issue was taken to new highlights. But it's so much more than just the war. It provides a much wider view of culture and societies without the biased nature found within the History Channel, Discovery Channel, and Geographic Explorer documentaries. You can also navigate your way around their documentaries at this link. []

The shows page gives you essentially a touch of everything you need towards understanding the global political atmosphere, economies, and societies. As I have mentioned before in regards to Europe since this Ukraine issue has been hyped up, the RT International news pretty much covers it every day. And African issues which are currently going through major changes presently. If you give these sources a genuine opportunity I'll guarantee you that when you compare it to what you're use to getting that you'll find you want it more if you intellectually know how to use what you observe.

William_Mary 8 Apr 1
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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