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Dr Donald Hoffman discovered that all life cannot see accurately - this is a scientific fact. When we look into the diversity of life and then into the universe, we see complexity. My problem with this is, are we seeing complexity, or is it an illusion and what we are really seeing is a state of order? Is the illusion of complexity, that keeps providing us with purpose, the result of us not seeing accurately?
So we are the ones from which complexity comes. Throughout the universe and this includes the diversity of evolution - are we the complexity and nature and the universe are in a state of order?

dinoid 5 Apr 29
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I came across iteresting new knowledge and it has
to do with entrophy DR. BRIAN COX is eternal AND
life takes energy in ( in one form ) and transfers it through
processes BACK to the cosmos.Hence the arrow of time.
The level of complexity, most probably is associated with the levels of interaction with the cosmos. This is a rather deep subject and I continue to look upon and study ideas
such as this. ◇It is daunting◇
To study brain synapses 10 billion connections ;
The human genome took 10 years of super computing to
The number is species on Earth ;
The dance of particles;
The flow of time itself...
These concepts were UNFATHOMABLE 10 -20 years
ago ; I have to look(study)and ABSORB what I am being told.
And they are being refined and tested CONSTANTLY.
50 years ago the atom was a focus.
see a hurricane is one thing-cave men did. To understand the way nature creates × functions a hurricane (or a virus)
is QUITE another chapter or book.Scientists are humble creatures <^they have to be^> ; yet some subjects they
realize thier limitations and don't run into assumptions or
presumptions about the scope of knowledge involved....
I RESPECT THAT ....that keeps me humble...
I saw social and cultural mistakes based on little or no factual basis - THE RESULT NILL or STEPS BACKWARD.
Human foibles or imput can be the JOKER in the
deck ,that NObody can project.The same molecules that make stars are what is here on earth.Fact.Some things are beautifully simple.Newton help put a robot on Mars.Fact.
To give humans control over the complexity of Nature
or Science is a lot far fetched . Controlling nature is not a science GOAL ,it is egotistical man fart.Bad fumes.
Fitting into what we found( becoming conscious) is where we should put our energies; complexity +control
is chasing our collective tail.

BBJong Level 7 May 3, 2020

As our knowledge increases, things become less complex...

There would be no complexity if life could see accurately, but there would also be no life, because there would be nothing to do, A bit like being in heaven.

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