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Hi all. If you think you are open-minded, how open-mined are you - honestly?

The other day, I came across a good description of the open-minded/freethinkers:

The open-minded/freethinkers have the discipline, calmness and intellectual curiosity to seek to understand and engage opinions that are different from their own.

Have you met anyone that fits this description in real life? Or are you one of them?

This would be my ideal but I don't think I could ever become one.

Do you think this is possible?

Jetty 7 June 20
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Most people have fixed ideas and even on this site, which I find disappointing, some people resort to personal insults when can no longer counter an opposing argument.

Moravian Level 8 June 28, 2020

For me it's questioning anything i don't know and understand and seems important.
once, i had to confront my negative view of reality, but it only took a few months, and now i'm more focused on the good side, as well as still seeing the bad.
for example, i hold that very few people mean to be hurtful, and if i look hard enough i can see what they were trying to do.
so, i suggest it's probable. be adventurous and chase the ideal. it works for me.


I think it's a basic requirement for a civilian. we have rights (we don't get them though) but we also have a duty to respect others' rights. without open-mindedness, i don't think it can be done, like, how could one hear another's point of view?


To me, an open mind means listening to opposing points of view, asking questions, and doing research... But there are some things I'm adamant about and i won't change my mind...

Example: the Keto diet... I'm a flexitarian.. That means my diet is flexible... I won't subscribe to any one way or eating or what i consider fad diets...


Flexibility, tolerance, courtesy, empathy...they are rare and not common traits. You have to be raised with them to "feel" them or "live" them.

If it's "your ideal" then there's that seed planted in your mind....that maybe it's the way to I would say "of course" it's possible.

Robecology Level 9 June 20, 2020

yes they are rare, and the ones we see were rised that way.
however i've been catching up on coaching children in 'emotional competence' and i think we could sell the idea to grown-ups, with the right community and coaches.

@JohnWeyland Remember the adage; "You can't teach an old dog new tricks"....

@Robecology i'm 77 and, i must be one of the lucky ones

@JohnWeyland Like I said; it's "possible" but you must be one of the "lucky" ones...if you're raised "closed minded" it's rare to change to being "open" minded....but I too came from a closed-minded family POV...and consider myself "open minded".


There is no such thing as complete open-mindedness, as there will always be core beliefs, and taboos, that everyone has and for which there is a certain sensitivity when discussing. I don't think that I have met anyone who has been completely open-minded.
I would like to think that I am pretty open-minded, but I wouldn't want to stake my life on it!

Magister Level 6 June 20, 2020

complete, perfect etc. are extreems, good enough is fine.
as for 'core beliefs' they are usually bestowed and should be re-examined and if found good then commited to, else change them.
we are only going to succeed in being equal if we all agree! hanging on to old beliefs won't help.

@JohnWeyland Yes, but the problem is that taboos over death, sexual identity, racism, and a whole host of other topics are never discussed and challenged because too many people are embarrassed talking about it, or even raising the subject.

That is a tragedy and the lack of discussion causes tragedies, again and again.

@Magister yes, so how to balance that. my take is that the main impediment is that we follow the 1% ethics which means that we will fight for what is due us, but not for what we owe. thus, we emphasize rights, but not the the duties to uphold those rights.
so my suggestion is that people: heal their trauma; help others; empower themselves; define and engage in their civil duties.
it has to be bottom-up and all start at the bottom and invent the whole thing for themselves. best to start with fixing and preventing all complaints.

@JohnWeyland I spent a lifetime in defence of the realm, and I put my civic duties, an other obligations before my personal life. Too late, I found that my best years were behind me and illness stopped me from doing all those things that I was going to do after my career was sorted out.

Never accept deferred gratification, go out and enjoy life when you have the strength to do so. You can't get it back when it's gone, and you don't know when that will be. So, your life needs to be subjected to a timetable, so that you can use that most precious of gifts, your body.

@Magister just saying, to fix the world and the dominant culture, we must all change

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