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Is "FreeThinkers" the opposite of "Critical Thinkers?"

Theresa_N 8 June 22
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I don't believe that the the two labels are either opposite or alike, always, or even often. Hybrids rule. LOL

A 'free thinker' can think critically, and a 'critical thinker' can think freely outside any boxes. Critical thinking to me means evaluating ones thoughts critically through self analysis and reflection, in the moment and after reflection, . On the other hand another critical thinker with free-thinking tendencies might just totally go with their flow without hesitating to evaluate the consequences of their thoughts or subsequent actions, sometimes.

I had an father, professionally an Industrial Engineer, who was a overbearing critical thinker, yet was also incredibly creative in his own way.

I've also seen some free thinkers who have never had an original thought and always have trouble making decisions. I have also experienced critical thinkers with similar disabilities.

Bottom line, my view about humans, including myself, is that behaviourally and cognitively anything is possible, no one size fits all, and labels are rarely helpful or accurate especially if our labeling is judgmental towards ourselves or others.

josephr Level 7 June 22, 2020

No, in fact free thinkers probably all use critical thinking skills to develop their thoughtd and ideas.

Magister Level 6 June 22, 2020

don't get "critical thinking" confused with "hypercritical thinking".

chiara23k Level 7 June 22, 2020


bobwjr Level 10 June 22, 2020

It seems that much in Open Thinkers is contrary to critical thinking, that's why I ask.

@Theresa_N Examples, please?


No...I consider myself to be both.

Marionville Level 10 June 22, 2020

I think they are the same...

...and don’t need dictionaries?

@yvilletom can you elaborate...?

@Cutiebeauty Yep. When I was a kid I sometimes read several pages in a dictionary.

Freethinking (OED) — noun, adjective for a person who rejects accepted opinions, especially those concerning religious beliefs.

Critical thinking (Wikipedia) — the anslysis of facts to form a judgment. The subject is complex, and several different definitions exist, which generally include the rational, skeptical, unbiased analysis or evaluation of factual evidence

@yvilletom yes, the free thinker rejects opinions .. Which implies they accept logic, and proofs... The same as a critical thinker... Yes?

@Cutiebeauty IYO; NIMO. BMOWCYO, WI? (But MO won’t change yours, will it?)

@yvilletom id, wiyo ? Yhoaoy...

@Cutiebeauty I need a translation.


id, wiyo ? Yhoaoy...

I dunno... What is your opinion. You haven't offered an opinion yet... 😜


The OP asked Is "FreeThinkers" the opposite of "Critical Thinkers?"

In my opinion, no.

You said you think they are the same.

IMO, they are not the same.

Hm-mm, neither opposites nor the same.

‘Tis noon here in CA’s Napa Valley. Time out.

@yvilletom tag me when it's time in..

Meanwhile, consider this:
What does freethinking mean?
a person who forms opinions on the basis of reason, independent of authority or tradition, especially a person whose religious opinions differ from established belief.


The right-brained thinker in me reads your definition of freethinker and realizes the word can be defined in many ways.

The left-brained thinker in me notes that you asked what freethinkING means and then defined freethinkER.

The cautious thinker in me, knowing an analytical, detailed response might be unwelcome, what does he do?

analytical, detailed response might be unwelcome...

This would be fine I'm no wilting lily😜


Ah, we can start again, but it’s your dinner time and nearing my news watching time. Nightee night. Dream well

@yvilletom ok, see you tomorrow then ☺

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