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To censor or not to censor?

Perhaps a strong choice of words but I've been thinking about this the past few days, and if this counts as censorship or not, so I would like to hear others' opinions about it.

There is a movie on Netflix called "365 Days" (and I use the term 'movie' very loosely) classified as an 'erotic drama' about a man kidnapping a woman, who subsequently falls in love with her kidnapper. I haven't seen the movie, but if I solely judge it on the trailer it's absolutely horrible (dumb plot, bad acting, etc.).

The issue with it has been that the Welsh singer Duffy, as well as a petition, has called for Netflix to remove the film, because of "glamorizing rape culture". The streaming service has refused to do so.

My main question is the following: would this be considered censorship?
If some people want to watch a badly made movie, even though it has messed-up themes about abduction, shouldn't they be able to? Does it 'glamorize' kidnapping and rape (I mean, do some watch it and think "wow, that seems like fun, I'd like to be a part of that" )?
Should this movie be removed because it causes obvious discomfort for a group that, only when watching, is reminded of a painful experience they went through? If this does happen, what other movies will be removed because they cause a similar effect in others?
Will we then remove all comedians' stand-up gigs because they make fun of disturbing things?
Should all movies that show murder, assaults and beatings also be removed?

I have huge empathy for those who have suffered through any type of abuse and would never make any jokes about their ordeal, nor would I ever suggest that this type of film paints these types of situation in any positive light. But what does taking this movie off of Netflix accomplish for all those who are being assaulted/trafficked? And it's not so much about this particular film, it's mainly about what precedent would it set. Would it then lead to censoring/banning a whole genre?

I'm curious about your views on the topic.

HannaYou 6 July 11
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Sticking only to the question on if it is censorship. Yes. How we feel about things doesn't enter into that.
I know there are lots of things I wish would go away but I'd not remove them (at least not on that criterion).

Tanstaafl Level 3 July 17, 2020

For some it may just be a fantasy that they have, that bubble possibly being burst, or reinforced, by the film. If it were to show how a woman could escape manipulation, then that would be a good thing, although I suspect that this film was meant to titillate, not to inform.

Whilst, it's not the genre of film that I would want to watch, I would be loathe to censor because someone may be upset by it. Do that and you'll end up with family films, and none that tackle life's real issues.

Sadly, I see programmes from the 60s being shown but with the warning that some viewers may be upset by the language, and attitudes prevailing at that time; there was nothing out of turn and these warnings of 'triggers' is suggestive of a 'snowflake' culture taking over, where people choose to be inflamed by even the most innocuous of comment.

Magister Level 6 July 14, 2020

The warnings before those shows are annoying enough, but at least they still show them. The entire debacle with "Gone with the Wind" being removed from some network/channel (I can't remember if it was HBO or something like that) is also head-scratching. The apparent reason was because it also "glamorized" the south and slavery, which I cannot wrap my head around.


Watched it...the hero of the movie is completely narcissistic who uses caveman tactics to kidnap and bully the woman. He gives her 365 days to fall in love with him. In real life she'd be repulsed by his 'masterfulness' and 'arrogance'...typically he's a wealthy don in an exotic villa....a bit like those old Mills n Boon books. But since this is fantasy, the woman finally succumbs to his brutishness. Extremely unrealistic because neither do they have any real conversation nor is there anything else shown beyond subjugation. Some soft porn too.

Does it remind people of painful experiences?
There's a scene where he handcuffs her to the bed while she watches him warily. Now only if you completely trust someone can you be in a place like that and it wouldn't be forced.
But since he has a 'heart of gold' all he does is has her watch as a hooker pleasures him and leaves her!
I think a lot of viewers are intelligent enough to just roll their eyes and pass it over because there is far better content available on Netflix.
So why censor it?

Mimee Level 6 July 13, 2020

It sounds a bit like Stockholm Syndrome and it reminds me of that wonderful film Night Porter.

As for Duffy, I strongly suspect that she is a very troubled woman who imagines terrible things are always happening to her.

brentan Level 8 July 11, 2020

If we are not careful we will only be left with Disney and anything with Jim Henson puppets starring.

Art that challenges is necessary or we live in a sterile happy clappy world where everything is beautiful, until it isn’t.

Stories should relate reality as well as fairytales.

Geoffrey51 Level 8 July 11, 2020

Freedom of speech can be a difficult road. Only speech that can cause physical harm, like crying "FIRE" in a crowded theater should be prohibited by government or a social media site, IMO. I do not trust anyone to censor what I am allowed to view, even though it is inevitable Netflix selects films and censors, whether intentional or not. I'd rather not encourage them to censor.

EdEarl Level 8 July 11, 2020

No.discomfort is not an excuse

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