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OOPS - George Floyd Died of Health Complications from a Fentanyl Overdose.

PBuck0145 7 Aug 30
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Police methods of restraint the world over has become far more aggressive in restraining individuals, with no thought given to the thought of the underlying health problems that individuals.

Why didn't they use mace spray to subdue him? Although that is something that could put people with COPD, asthma, emphysema, and related diseases, at risk.

Magister Level 6 Sep 4, 2020

Alternative facts are obviously preferable to some people. Must be part of Kellyanne Conway's legacy. LOL We saw what the officer did, that's a fact. Anything else is conjecture.

But some will always try to justify horrendous and illegal behaviour through extenuating circiumstances; like the physically abusive men i've heard who defended themselves with "she made me do it," or the rapists who defended themselves with "she teased me and never said no."

josephr Level 7 Aug 30, 2020

That’s like saying he died of natural causes, a police knelt down on his neck for over 8 minutes so naturally he died.
Don’t pee on us and tell us it’s raining.


Yeah, right .... Derek Chauvin put his weight on Floyd's neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds ... that did not kill him, the fentanyl did.

SKH78 Level 8 Aug 30, 2020

Talk about grasping at straws and trying to justify an obvious brutal murder. There seems to not be a low point for some people.

JackPedigo Level 9 Aug 30, 2020

He had Fentanyl intoxication but that did not cause his was was caused by asphyxiation due to his airways being blocked by a knee placed on his neck. The medical examiner is quite clear on that point. Let’s only post facts not wild and untrue statements in this group, this is a first warning, so take heed.

Marionville Level 10 Aug 30, 2020

"The Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner agrees with the autopsy findings and the cause of death certification of George Floyd as determined by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office. His death was caused by the police subdual and restraint in the setting of severe hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and methamphetamine and fentanyl intoxication. The subdual and restraint had elements of positional and mechanical asphyxiation. The presence of sickle cell trait is a significant finding in this context."




The riots are bullshit.

@PBuck0145 yes they are...

@PBuck0145 Many of the riots are cause by right wing infiltrators who want the protests to fail.

@Lorajay "It's all Trump's fault".

@PBuck0145 Not really it's all hates fault.

@PBuck0145 why politicize the death of a man killed by police? It doesn't make any sense...

No disagreement.

@PBuck0145 So what has that to do with the murderous behaviour we saw on video?

@josephr it has nothing to do with it..
It's Total bullshit..

@Cutiebeauty I agree!

@josephr, @Cutiebeauty Get a room!

@PBuck0145 you get one too... All by yourself 😂😂😂

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