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The word free what does it mean to you?
The word thinker what does it mean to you?
Then finaly the word together what does it mean to you? Very important! Can't wait to read the answer. Be as authentic as you can with these answers there are no wrong or right answers. Everyone's perspective is important.

yaya87 5 Oct 18
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Free: to have choice and be unfettered
Thinker: someone who is able to examine options in a logical and reasoned way, (but literally, not necessarily, just to have thought.)
Together: in close proximity or as a unit


I think "Free thinkers" evolved as a group name because when they first got started (over a century ago) it was "taboo" to be "anti-religious" instead of "coming out" and saying they were "agnostic" or "atheistic" or even worse..."anti-religious" (I love Bill Maher's term...#Religulous) they chose to identify with "free" (as in unrestricted) "thinker" as opposed to being "Christian" or "Muslim".

You'll like what was written here;


Robecology Level 9 Oct 18, 2020

The term “freethinker” originates in the 17th century’ and its first recorded use was by William Molyneux in a letter to John Locke in 1697. It was used to describe someone who formed their opinion based on reason, independent of authority or tradition, especially a person whose religious beliefs differed from established belief.


. . . hmmm, free :


For me, free is the choice to give myself the greatest latitude of thought and action that doesn't impinge on another person's latitude.
Thinker is to figure things out for myself using what I've learned from my own experience and the wisdom of others.
Free thinker is having the ability to do this.

brentan Level 8 Oct 18, 2020

Freedom is a noble word

Freedom is a noble word
When used poetically
Conveying that the soul of man
Constrained will never be.

Freedom has another sense
Elusive to translate
Where freedom means its opposite
As now I hereby state.

When you buy a camera
Which brags its "Focus Free"
It means it's cheap and basic and
Good shots you'll seldom see.

You spot some super software
It says the download's free
But, later, it says "activate"
And then there is a fee.

A "free lunch" means your supper
May have a cost you rue.
For in return for luncheon snack
The dinner bill's on you.

Yes. Freedom has a double edge
And when you're truly free
There's no one looking after you.
You trade security.

If you think I'm cynical;
My words belike you not,
Remember too that freedom means
You're free to call them rot!

© Petter Finne

Petter Level 9 Oct 18, 2020

Yes, what Dave said.... ☺


The word free means...unhindered and allowed to follow our own instincts or beliefs. The word thinker means someone who uses critical thought and logic to arrive at conclusions independent of the influence of others. Together the word freethinker describes someone who freely and without bias, forms their opinions and beliefs based purely on evidence and logic.

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Posted by EmmanuelRippinIf you're looking for a new game to dive into, ([playpokerogue.

Posted by RobecologyI haven't seen any "freethoughts" on Twitter lately; but today I found one!

Posted by johnnyrobishWell, somebody had to do it!

Posted by WalterGreensTo every one out there!

Posted by LenHazell53Well would you look at that, and who posted it

Posted by Mike-IMAOpinions base on facts and evidence can change the world.

Posted by ChrisAineWhere is everybody? Don't tell me y'all caught up with Xmas festivities. Anyway Merry Christmas free thinkers. May you get a kiss under the mistletoe..😊

Posted by ScribblerWhy is everyone leaving?

Posted by AryabratIsn't this the most logical and simplistic way to dismiss a fictitious superpower/hero? Or is there anymore way?

Posted by AvaBunWhat are your thoughts?

Posted by terenaskawsHow passionate are you in creating?

Posted by SpinlieselToday, in 1872, the last Indian war east of the Mississippi ended with the capture of Black Hawk.

Posted by SlarsAnother throw back from my orange years.. mad to think they essentially just paid us to play with big toys all day fun job...

Posted by AnabuceriasPhoto is worth 1000 words.

Posted by bobwjrThat's this group

Posted by TourirstMIA: Missing in Administration. I have posted this, twice and of course, it slides under the radar, understandably as Admin has left the building for good?

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