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Now that I am 110, I tend to 'think' a bit--- and also lie a lot. "I had a birthday- now I am 111.😒😁"

I experienced a few things yesterday, that I would like to share. I have heard about the benefits of dandelion greens and tea. I saw someone, I know, cutting some. Earlier, I had cut a bit and cooked it; it was okay, but nothing special. My mistake was that I cut only plants with flowers, and the very opposite is what is to be done. Some people would starve in the forest with all sorts of food around them.

The sun shone yesterday; I walked with lots of movement. I checked my blood pressure at the pharmacy: systolic 119, diastolic 073, both measurements were optimal.

There are all sorts of interesting people at the park. I have resolved to SEEK positive, 'truthful' things to say--- and forget about the other rubbish.

Diogenes 8 May 15
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@Diogenes...It says you're 83 which is 8 years older than me...and very admirable to have achieved. I would so love to make it to 100 - or 110 - or 120? what's your secret...besides keeping a close watch on the B.P.?

Robecology Level 9 May 15, 2021

I had an uncle that lived to about 97. I really doubt that I would want to live past 100. Even now everything has a superficial feel to it.

B.P. wouldn't be what it is if I didn't do a bit of exercise. I wish fitness was open, to talk to friends and use some of the machines. I do a bit of reading about all sorts of subjects. Diets do NOT work. The idea that a person will starve themselves for a few months---- and then get back to "normal" is just planing for failure. I believe that enjoying food is a better idea. Yes, cutting back on the meat and pints may have a different feel, but FRESH fruit and veggies taste good. A bear stuffs itself full of food-then it hibernates- well so do humans that don't care, they stuff themselves and then they fall asleep. I don't have all the answers but I know most diets are bull shit.

@Diogenes I concur with your POV on both diets (B.S.) and exercise ( a little required every day).

@Robecology Ya, and I also don't exercise all day. What would be the point? If that's all there is, there wouldn't be time to live. There has to be time left over for a bit of sin: a slice of pizza or a pint😉!

@Diogenes LOL! I concur; And Pizza and beer are my down-fall...but I do try to bicycle or swim every day. I swear by the "Totat Gym' and do at least two sets of 25 crunch/pull-ups on that machine daily. Enjoy!

@Robecology I hate telling the truth, dam! "I don't do that much." Ya, I have done it; but I think "Usetabee" is a city in Asia; "yesterday" doesn't count? Now that I am a geezer I have to do a driver's test every two years. Something funny happened last time. I was talking to a guy about things before this farce began. The condecending, fat-laby that was running the show said something like, "Now old people don;t forget to exercise 15 minutes a day." The guy whispered to me, "I skied all day yesterday.."


I'm working on a new purpose, I served all my old purposes.
I'd love to live to 300 if I have purpose.
Without it I'd prefer not to continue.
That was the odd thing about moving out west a few decades ago, I don't know the native "wild" flora.
I can and did consume lots of food from the forest before, but here there are many poisonous plants that don't look poisonous.

I have had it described that falling into a forest is like falling into a bowl of salad. One just needs to know to tell Poison Ivy from dandelions.

It would be difficult to mistake dandelions with something else- but a major point, don't make a bad mistake. The best thing is to be with people who know what to look for.


Thanks for times most of us enjoy solitude, it gives us time and head space to think and ruminate, but we also sometimes feel the need to communicate the results of our ruminations with others. We are after all, a gregarious species.

Marje good point, and thanks for that thought.

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