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Yup, why we closed the world for fun.
Anti-Vax and Anti Masks comments on Social Media about Covid made me write this. Covid unleashed would overwhelm everything. The system would close down. It would shut down society as we know it. All systems would break down—all of them. And long-term Covid, what about that?

Stupid does not get it, do you? But then again, you never had it to get. So Shut You.

Tourirst 7 Nov 7
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It's the unbelievable stupidity of relying on Fox and other right wing conspiracy theorist

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 7, 2021

Tyranny comes from the most Nobelest causes. No matter how much the most darkside evil authoritian squeeze us, we will slip through their fingers.

What free think thinker being would support the greatest discrimination of self health and destruction of economy happen over a nasty flu. This is beyond Insanity with no end in sight.


It’s not the stupid that are the problem….it’s a group who are infinitely more dangerous. They are the WILFULLY stupid. - the ones who go out of their way to be effing contrarian and who deliberately decide they will be deaf to all reason and reject all logic!


That's a two year old "No shit Sherlock!" kinda thing to point out.

That's a terrible two year old for you.

Dear Willow,

Being able to express and post on here is part of a cathartic exercise, and it brings out ideas for me. I did not know there was a time limit on comments? Or History? I use my original copy to help humanity, however small and earn enough money to make my dreams come true, like sailing on my Dreamboat. Staying on deserted islands away from the Zombie Army of madness is very liberating. Some of my comments can have originality to them. And small snippets can be instrumental in fighting the Zombie Army that has permutated society with disease and stupid.

Are you the gatekeeper and decider on my comment? Is this information still not as helpful today as yesterday? If history has taught us anything, it repeats itself. In 1918 there were Anti-Maskers. Religious Mark Of The Beast crap. Here is a 103-year-old picture. It is so yesterday's news, but it still conveys volumes. Or should I not post it because everybody knows this already?

Your comment is crass and flippant in a world gone mad with a disease that spreads sickness and death—two years old or 1918 news. Learning from the past is a way forward that may benefit us. Stupid needs to be reminded and shown what can happen when a society is one minute to midnight. Or is this not current enough for you as you're so omnipotent?

I have been warning people for decades the world was on a "collision course with disaster and disease" and will happen as we live in a world where greed is king and stupid is the norm for the weak-minded masses.

It is nothing new to me where we are now. And the experience of living in it here and now is nightmarish. Before, it was just words I wrote; now, it's reality. And why I wrote the comment in the first place. It may be old news to you, "Sherlock" but it means more than ever now.

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