4 9

There is much talk about Biden's age. Maybe it should be about which one has a functioning brain, Dump or Biden. As far as fitness, we are comparing Dump, the big fat, brainless slob to Biden who looks fit, to anyone of any age. Dump needs to get a little exercise playing his favourite game, cheating at golf, by getting in a 'little' walking.

Diogenes 8 Sep 9
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As an elder (78) I'm beginning to notice little slips in memory and behavior.

I am getting old...and it's showing.

Hopefully Joe is considering retiring soon...perhaps letting Kamala lead...or some other young and intelligent upstart? Buttigieg? Newsome?

BTW; I hate Trump but I respect the man enough to call him his correct name...Trump.

Robecology Level 9 Sep 10, 2023

"The man"? The empty container on top of "Trump's" neck, still has the smell of a fetid "Dump'. This world is going crazier by the microsecand, and if the worst happens, Trump becomes the first dictator of the US, you will be exected if you show any signs of being sane. I believe he has already said what he will do to anyone who opposes him. Do you think he is joking?

@Diogenes I don't think he's joking...he is showing signs of being truly delusional...Which is particularly scary due to all the deluded followers he has.

To trivialize this by calling him 'Dump" is immature and irresponsible.

Again..I hate him, but I feel sorry for his obviously delusional state.


I'll go for the non-criminal, functioning brain any day. Age = experience.

skado Level 9 Sep 9, 2023

Age- does not equal exprience and maturity. "Trump" becomes more insane as every second goes by!

Not all experience is equal. Biden is an experienced statesman. Trump is an experienced con-man.

@skado The Don has been a professional criminal all his life. And there is a joke, it may be an Irish joke, "If you have to tell the truth, it is hardly worthwhile talking", but that is actually Dump's mantra.


After Ginsberg, I have much higher expectations. Shame, shame, shame on the Democrats for not insisting on someone else. Harris is almost nominally competent, but it is too big a risk. The US has fallen but, like the Soviet Union, no one wants to discuss it.

racocn8 Level 9 Sep 9, 2023


Shame indeed. I saw Gavin Newsom on 60 minutes; and I'm glad Biden chose him to follow what's going on with the world...I foresee Biden retiring and pointing to Newsom as a probable good choice.


Trump is a walking, talking, tub of lard…brain included. It’s not his age or physical ability that should be a barrier to him holding office, but his downright crooked actions and inability to tell the truth under any and all circumstances.

Biden is just showing natural signs of ageing, like being less physically agile and slightly forgetful.

In my opinion both are unsuitable candidates and like many people I can’t really fathom how out of a population of 332 million it has boiled down to a choice between these two septuagenarians yet again!

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