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What if the best way to get people out of religion isn't to hammer then with reason, but instead to make them realize their religious experience is so awful that they could never think about going back? It seems like whenever I talk to theists they just keep throwing meaningless information at you, covering all the cracks in the foundation of their arguments in circular logic and complete nonsense. In my experience, it is a complete waste of time to argue with theists on rational ground.

The only person I can say I have brought to the side of rationality I did with a purely pragmatic argument. They asked me why I didn't pray or go to church and I told them that I would rather not need to have a reason to pray, and that I felt a lot happier since I stopped being religious. I explained to her not based on logic but instead based on emotions, being specific about how I didn't believe that the church was really helping people to live better, more fulfilled lives and about a year later she told me she left her church.

If anyone else has any thoughts or similar experiences like this I would love to hear them.

Happy_Killbot 7 Mar 28
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It seems she simply must have identified with what you said. You struck a nerve with a religious but unhappy person who came to you asking questions. But I have had a number of Christians tell me that they stick with their religion precisely because it gives them comfort and makes them happy. Different people are motivated differently. For some people their religion has to make sense. Others are only, or at least primarily, motivated by feelings of comfort and security.

Heraclitus Level 8 Mar 28, 2019

I agree with the previous posters and your assessment. You’re probably familiar with the Backfire Effect and if not give that a google. Combative language, facts, and statistics often entrench people further in their worldview making them even harder to reach. You clearly didn’t succumb to this common trap.

It greatly helps if they already see you as an ally and not a “them.” It sounds like you also dialed into what they care about and spoke to their emotions, basically treating them like a whole person and not an algorithm.

Well done, sir!

Acree Level 4 Mar 28, 2019

No, I haven't but I make a post on it. If I do.

freedom41 Level 9 Mar 28, 2019

Notice the only person you allegedly "swayed"...asked you first.

That's the best strategy.

Not "hitting them" with reasoning....but being there for them when they want to ask you about your wisdom.

Remember; the religious didn't just become that way...they were indoctrinated since they were very, very young.

Robecology Level 9 Mar 28, 2019

I absolutely agree with your observation. People tend to build walls to protect themselves and their ideology, especially when it is a part of their identity. I guess you could sum all this up by saying that you don't convince people by breaking down their doors, but instead by making them come outside and join you.


They have to go there themselves

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 28, 2019
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