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What do you like more-Life or Reality ?

BBJong 7 May 18
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...i feel that my life is biased and puny compared to reality.
My life has limited potential
Reality has unlimited HUMAN 🏙 POTENTIAL.
i grow i change-street,block,city,state,(less)country,continent,
race,hemisphere(little).-my short tiny work a day life...
humanity is mapping the genome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!REALITY is
to get excited over/celabrated-EXTOLLED 🌐

BBJong Level 7 Aug 10, 2019

What question are you really asking here?

Heraclitus Level 8 June 26, 2019
People are a product of the enviorment  that you are 

born and raised in! This is your life history
Reality is the point (NOW) that humanity exists in
with the potential of my interaction.


Reality Is only the measurement of ones truth. Now I like truth but comparisons to life I’d prefer life 10 out of 10. I like me and I truly believe I’m exceptional and there’s no one like me anywhere. But, in Your reality, I might be just Ok. So the question should be, if reality is only a measurement of truth then how’s truth should we be living?

Debbera Level 5 June 25, 2019

I was going to- a persons life looks differently as time and
NEW facts correct the knowlege at the Time. My decisions
are based on what i have garnered as a snap shot of current
That reality -changes/ i carry an umbrella/ i may use it(if
pouring i will).com/if it never rains again ... my reality has changed-i no longer own an umbrella. I interact with my
inviorment to adapt to benifit myself & humanity.(my life
history&choices)-maybe i phrase the ques. wrong.



bobwjr Level 10 May 18, 2019

Yeah-hard to define;
But you can count on reality!


While I have life, I live in reality... When life ends, reality ends for me... I prefer life...

I understand.


Do you consider life to be a fantasy? And death reality?

Heraclitus Level 8 May 18, 2019

No, I live my life to the fullest extent;
Reality is the boundries(framework)that shapes all reasoning people.

One persons fantasy is the other persons reality. Everyone seeks freedom, one persons freedom could be death while another is a long life. The reality to death has as many perceptions as there are cultures, and there are thousands and thousands of cultures all bare similarities to the perception of death. They say there’s 112 levels of reality. Let’s say pick one.

@BBJong Well, in that case, what is point of more-Life (longlife?) if it is mere fantasy and self-deception? To me that is just more of a zombie-like existence. You are alive but not living. Reality may not always be fun, but at least it is genuine and authentic. If all you care about is feeling good, you might as well just take drugs...which a lot of people do.


I saw recently a public television documentary
about human conciousness. And like the universe, the measurable energy may last
far longer than us. The unity of humanity is a
goal that we should strive for.

BBJong Level 7 May 18, 2019

Don’t understand the question. My life is reality!

Reality can be shared across the globe:as in an event.It would have universally the same definition. For each person the event is viewed
through the lens of thier life.(experiences and
insights).I humbly summit you can change one AND not the other-reality.
Like the moon walk. Did happen(reality)
in my lifetime<I feel different now then when it occured>but I can't change said event!

@BBJong everyone’s reality is personal to them. Real world events do happen, and we do know about them, we can even view them first hand as they happen. These realities are not experienced first hand by us, but they are real nevertheless, and quite often do affect us in some way. We cannot alter these realities, they are fact. Then there are other realities in which we participate first hand, such as attending a public event as a member of an audience or that case we all take something different from that event, depending on our own perspective and experience. That is why when witnesses are asked to come forward, no two people will give the same account of the same event. None of this makes it any less real to the individual, my reality is not your reality. However, we can only experience life by living it ourselves, not vicariously, so I still maintain that my life is my reality.


For me, they are one and the same. My life Is my reality. How do you think they are separate?

Wow, I know its snowing in Antarctica ~yet
I wear shorts tomorrow. I can and do strive to alter my life (for the better) ; reality will continue after I'm gone.

@BBJong Reality may continue, but it won't be my reality.

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