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How do you define love?

Vayton 4 June 8
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To paraphrase a line from the movie Love Story, "Love is continuously having to say you're sorry". 🙂

Sticks48 Level 9 June 11, 2019

100% devotion open-ness unconditionally giving of self to lover or child or both.....pure friendship mutually desiring intimacy taking turns Pacific dream sharing come to life


That is a hard one, there are so many types of love. The love you feel for a child, a friend, close family, a pet and that special love of a partner. Most of these take time to become love, the more you are exposed to someone the stronger your feeling will become. Sexual passion is not love, it is a chemical high your brain is on, if you stay with someone well past that chemical high and still like the way they make you feel about yourself, than you develop what most think of as love. Love of a partner is not unconditional, it can wain, diminish or even be lost forever. I feel that in long term relationships the ones that love are the ones that work past the lows, knowing that relationships have their highs and lows and do not just give up because they are in a low and do the work to get back to a high, now that is love.


It's different from "like".
It takes more time to develop.
it might be stronger than liking
Its' opposite is hate....the end of love is indifference....not hate.
Hate is when you've been let down by the alleged love/lover.
Indifference also takes more time to develop than hate.

Robecology Level 9 June 8, 2019

Caring more for your partner than yourself

bobwjr Level 10 June 8, 2019

I can't remember. It was very nice at the time.

brentan Level 8 June 8, 2019

A chemical reaction!


I don't define it. To define is to confine it.


Love is the maximum enjoyment of another...

True love is most enjoyable tastes great tingles warms throbs squeezes slithers and sweats salty and pure never hurts or assumes always asks and answers no or yes always accepted content patient treasured safe satisfying and HARMONIOUS

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