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Anybody else believe that we are all just atoms/energy that gets released to join the rest of the atoms/energy on the planet when we die? I do.

MyMrsFifi 5 July 11
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Yes,,,pretty much so : the air we breathe
has been here since the dinosaurs...

BBJong Level 7 July 13, 2019

An a happy note, that means we're all made of stardust, no?

@MyMrsFifi stardust and Amino acids electrified in long chain gooey evolving over one billion years 26 toed cat is living proof of evolution and we can also watch the creationists refuse to evolve staying stupid


life is unique and differ from robot or any super computer because of its at randomicity of getting action to it and reaction through its orientened experienced yet at random path. When it switched off that is structure of body breaks, soul extinguished. Body decomposed.

allmighty Level 6 July 11, 2019

I certainly hope so.


I keep wondering if reincarnation happens. Science says that when our bodies quit, our "minds" also quit. Our brains produce energy. They energy does not go away. It can take different forms and travel, but does not go away. But that does not mean that our conscious part keeps existing ... and I really hope not. I want to get rid of my irrational belief in reincarnation.

SKH78 Level 8 July 11, 2019

There's the #Religulous alternative that suggests that we have a soul, or ghost.

Your belief in this depends on how "agnostic" you are - where you fit on the Agnostic/Atheist/Theist/Gnostic spectrum.

Dieters know the truth....calories in = calories out.

Even the religious have said "dust to dust, ashes to ashes" all this "soul" and "residual energy" is hocus pocus wishful thinking by those who fear death.

I leave you with two images...

Robecology Level 9 July 11, 2019

Benjamin Franklin stated a fact on his tombstone true from his pine box coffin: "Here lies B.Franklin, food for worms."


Not if embalmed and sealed in a steel lined concrete coffin

@MyMrsFifi my feeling is cremation is the only brief approximation of the alleged eternal sailors have been "buried" @ sea for many centuries food for slugs and lobsters at the bottom


It’s the most sensible approach, but as we know, we don’t really know anything. My observation is that generally things in life are only complicated if we make them so. Energy is not destroyed but transmuted, so who knows.

Geoffrey51 Level 8 July 11, 2019



That is a possibilty to what happens after death.

freedom41 Level 9 July 11, 2019
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