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All you patriotic racist white people out there that mask that racism under patriotism... need their own tiny Island somewhere... close to Europe... where their DNA evolved.👍

Ldflitefoot555 4 July 16
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,,,they continue to recycle their
ignorence; and try to force teach it in our
schools.Nationalists of that ilk don't know
unity /thanks

BBJong Level 7 July 20, 2019

First, Trump (originally Drumpf) would have to figure out whether he is from Germany or Sweden. He seems confused on this matter.

Heraclitus Level 8 July 16, 2019

I couldn't stand an all white America. I love diversity in all its forms. ❤️💙❤️

My promise to all that walk on this indigenous land of ours, America will love you & your beautiful brown and white families again.

I'm dedicating my life and my family to fighting all types of systemic racism that manufacture fear & demagoguery here in the U.S.

Systemic racism will reach an all-time high to become an actual norm.
The telltale signs of fascism never went mainstream.

During the early 70s Neoliberalism manufactured billionaires created & instituted American Fascism cloaking itself under patriotism.
Those who advocated this are now bragging and boasting about it
When we educate, we direct a revealing spotlight on those origins and the manifestations of American authoritarianism that do nothing to enrich and build Bridges.
Creating, constructing perpetuating fear and demagoguery that felt by brown & black family's here in this illegal United States only enforcing white privilege!👎

@Ldflitefoot555 I checked in the paint department, only to find out I'm not so white. So, I took a bath with Tide in the water because they advertise whiter whites. Still didn't work, so I added bleach... Didn't work either. So, I guess I'm stuck with being a pale face.

@Our_existence, with how you sound jokingly how you want to change your ethnicity, change skin color.... I think you actually don't care what history has taught us... I think deep down you really want to vote with these types of white people that hate people of color.
But you're too afraid to come out and say anything😂

@Ldflitefoot555 seriously? I come across that way to you? I was being totally sarcastic.

@Our_existence i have also marked "refuse to answer or OTHER" when officially asked
my ethnicity-sometimes its an illegal fishing
expedition 😏,been doing it for years...


Racism was made official by the Vatican in 1450 declaring the duty of white xians to "discover" all lands where white xians did not live



Stand up for you and your beautiful family... we make a stand now or there will never be an indigenous Nation to reflect upon... we will never see the remnants of any type of history that Native Americans and Indigenous people ever existed.
When we were remember our past and our history we support the truth.

Truth is at stake right now.

When we protect the truth from all propagandist lies and Spins... you're protecting your white and brown families for future integration for a much more egalitarian society.👍


Yup absolutely right

bobwjr Level 10 July 16, 2019
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