8 3

So. 2 days on here and I already have a comment removed. Either I am much more of an asshole than I realize, which is entirely possible, or some folks here are far more thin-skinned than anyone who claims to be a "free thinker" should be. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's probably both.

TKoBD 4 July 18
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I don’t associate “free thinking” with our current government.

MatthewH Level 5 July 22, 2019

Didn't say anything about our government.


Congratulations, welcome to the club! Must’ve doing something right to piss someone off. What was the gist of what you said?

You can always post in another category and see how that goes.

Geoffrey51 Level 8 July 18, 2019

Someone asked to explain how POTUS's tweet was racist. I basically said that both parties are crimanlly corrupt, and that I'm not convinced he's racist, though he is clearly an idiot. And I think I said that anyone, like Ilhan and Rashida, willing to trade our constitution for perceived security and to pander to people should leave this country. It's not how this union was formed and not how the founders expected it to operate.

@WisdomWarlord Can’t see anything wrong with that. It opens up debate which is what I thought part of this site was all about. It’s why I engage anyway.

I can see why it may be inflammatory to the left leaning guys here but comfort zones are to be challenged or we get soft in the middle by self- congratulation!


Sounds like someone did not like the way you think.

Story of my life!


How do you know it was removed?

Got an email saying to edit it.

@WisdomWarlord never seen that before.


Best wait to see if a pattern develops. They're easier to analyse.

brentan Level 8 July 18, 2019

Don't worry

bobwjr Level 10 July 18, 2019

Don't worry we all have had a comment or 2 removed. It's all about being in the community and have fun while your here.

freedom41 Level 9 July 18, 2019

Haha what comment was removed?

It was about how Trump is an idiot but then again so has every president in my lifetime, and how the Democrat and Republican parties are the same, just different sides of the same polished turd.

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