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One morning long ago I had a long series of vivid dreams and awakenings, convinced I was awake but still dreaming, each more "real" than the last. So I am not 100% sure I am awake now... are YOU?

MoonTigerII 7 July 29
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Have you ever dreamed that you were dreaming? I have.

Heraclitus Level 8 July 30, 2019

Topic is: Are you dreaming NOW??? Not dreams in general.


Have you seen sunlight in the dream? I never saw it.

allmighty Level 6 July 30, 2019

I recall it being a morning full of light enough to clearly see myself in mirror by bed, but direct sunlight as in lookinhlg at the sun, no.


I recall that when I first wake...especially if the dream seemed pleasant....I almost have a strong desire to go back to sleep....then I smell the coffee, and/or see the twilight of dawn...and get up.


Robecology Level 9 July 29, 2019

@Robecology Well... in the case I cite, I woke up had coffee w Sharie, GF 10 years earlier, realized I was still dreaming. Woke again and again and had coffee in chronological sucession w Janis, Libby and finally Mollie, then current GF. Each time more real pinching myself feeling pain seeing myself in mirror, yelling, "I am AWAKE!!!" NOPE... still asleep... Mollie had left an hour earlier! When I finally wakened... I THINK... I spent entire day TESTING... Sooo... I am only about 95% certain I am awake. Some philisophers posit we are merely holograms/dreams of a higher intelligence. There IS no Objective, agreed upon "Reality." For my take on Subjective Reality, please read my full bio.

@MoonTigerII I appreciate your POV on's charming, and interesting...poetic and imaginative...

But to me; dreams are dreams...and being awake is not dreaming.

I can discern being awake vs being asleep.

I don't buy in to the possibility of "being awake, yet in a dream"....sorry.

@Robecology. No big deal. Philosophical exercise. But ALL reality is Subjective... as many realities as their are brains to create them and perceive them. Universe is merely packets of energy, vibrating at different frequencies, interpreted differently by every individual congnizant creature, human and non human, on Earth.

Have you ever done LSD? Those of us who have tend to view things differently than those who haven't.

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