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Has anyone ever noticed a strange thing going on with Atheist giving up the faith in god or a higher power but put so much trust in big government. To be clear im an Atheist and a humanist but I'm also a Libertarian I hates big government. I believe in freedom in all form. I have seen a lot of Atheist speak about God has not meant his Burden of proof with we know is true. Then they will take about there support of regulation and laws that restricts peoples freedom much like a church does. Saying the government knows better and they with take care of you sounds nice even make you feel safe. A lot like a priest telling his Conjugation the all be will god with take care of you. Many people really need to have the comfort of having something bigger then themselves to look after them. I believe people should empower themselves and work to build there lives they because we only get one life, make it your own and find the people who will enrich your life with no need for Gob or government. Be your own hire power believe in yourself.

Pease I want to hear your thoughts and comments

BrendanB 3 Oct 11
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What I don't understand is how libertarians can be atheist and yet support the party that seeks to overthrow our right to not believe.

JackPedigo Level 9 Oct 20, 2019

First, I believe there is a common misconception. "Without government there will be chaos and lack of order." I believe this to be true to some extent. However, our current government has so many problems that negatively effect so many lives I personally believe we are already chaotic. For those here who are satisfied with what we have now are not looking at the big picture. Our justice system is fucked up, our culture as a whole is fucked up, our current technology is behind other countries and our laws are outdated. Much like religious people clinging to their bible, many people cling to that old document called the constitution. Government is a type of System. There are other types of systems that could run a country or the world. Humans are not using their full potential intellectually BECAUSE of government. The US has become a superpower by brute force and effective leadership. Now about this money thing. What is money? Humans have used many different things when it comes to currency whether having a government or not. Yes, it is wise to use whatever money the government has created for its nation but the world citizens are starting to get tired of being limited and controlled by banks. Cryptocurrency was created for just that. Many in the US have no clue what crypto is other than what is explained on the news. While other countries have adopted crypto and blockchain technology to progress their nation. The US has become stagnant. Before anyone comment and say, "just move to another country". Sorry this isn't the land of the free we make it out to be. As a veteran I definitely understand that many have sacrificed their lives for their country without really understanding what they are fighting for. This is truth. It's better to talk about things such as this but I can only give a few sentences. At the end of the day people are just people. No matter what you believe there will always be those who disagree. For those who are "educated" on this site, get off your high horse. No matter how many big words we use, no matter what studies we have read, no matter how many years we have lived it does not create wisdom. Case and point. Trump.

MrChange Level 7 Oct 17, 2019

All the libertarians I have known are big on capitalism and hate big government because they regulate business and banks from exploiting the people and the environment. Would that be you? We only have some much control over things, we need government. We have control over our own lives, thoughts and make decisions in that but how do I control everything else that affects my life, I don't.

I told the true believer little squirt to learn how to spell and focus his Libertarian drivel upon zionists who are illegal war crime profiteering banksters at taxpayers expense.....when Harry Browne ran for President he was the most honest can do Libertarian giving every Social Security payee a annuity SYSTEM worth every penny they would have earned upon retirement....our government is massively corrupt run by blueREDS redBLUES duopoly....only Greens and Libertarians are serious about fixing what is wrong ... THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKSTERS must be audited but only a handful in Congress want to jail the thieves printing OUR MONEY


"Dont ask what the government can do for you" is a quote
from Jon Kennedy. But I can't build a highway;monitor
drug prices( can't easily find what medical procedures cost)
or inspect planes. Some services -we need the government
to attend to.Government over reach is bad ,when and where it occurs(bad waste of resources).SOCIETY prospers when
major needs of the society are MAINTAINED. We are then
free to focus on improving OUR lives and the health and
future of said society. Seeing God or Government as
omnipotent is a falsehood. Knowing the government is a
component of societies maintenance and structure is,in
my opinion rather necessary.

BBJong Level 7 Oct 12, 2019

Oh, so you hates big Government, but I bet you that you want all the services that come with the big Government. You know like roads, schools, infrastructure etc, etc.

Jolanta Level 9 Oct 12, 2019

I found a video that will help you comprehend why Agnostic/atheists have "faith" in a government that uses taxes to take care of its

Robecology Level 9 Oct 11, 2019

I certainly understand your suspicion of government, but it's not that simple. Without a relatively effective government it's the wild, wild west, or worse, not to mention that we'd be at the mercy of other societies that do have effective strong governments. This has all been debated since Thomas Hobbe's Leviathan and Rousseau's Social Contract and it has always been an uncomfortable balance between government and chaos. The reason that there are so many dictatorships in the world is because people prefer a strong autocrat over the terror and suffering of extreme chaos that we have never really experienced in America. Ever notice that there has never been a Libertarian government in the history of the world? Why do you suppose that is?

Heraclitus Level 8 Oct 11, 2019

So youre against police and fire departments, EMTS, hospitals, street lights, traffic lights, roads and highways, sanitation department..
Etc, etc.. Shall I go on?


Punctuation and paragraphs please. A wall of text is uninviting and not pleasant to read if it’s too long. It comes across as uneducated and ill-informed which I am sure is not the case.

As Anne said recently, to paraphrase, take out every third sentence and you lose nothing from the text

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Oct 11, 2019

@dan325 Well-spotted.

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