9 3

The phrase "God's wrath" is very strange. How can god have wrath? Why does God need to get angry at all? If he created everything, by extension, he's the cause of everything that happens after that so what is the point of anger? The only reason to get angry is if there are things beyond your control going one way, but you would rather they go another way, which leads to frustration and therefore anger. Are there things God can't control? If yes then his anger is justified, but then he can't be God if there are problems bigger than him. If no, then he has nothing to be angry about since he can control anything he wants to his liking. You can't have it both ways. Either God is powerful and can't get angry, or he's weak which leads to anger. But then again, religion and logic don't mix very well.

What do you think?

HumanistA 5 Dec 26
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People create their own God. So God's wrath is just something they feel themselves. Saying it is God's wrath just makes them feel more anonymous and important.

SeanMoore Level 4 Jan 2, 2020

If one is to believe the religous fundamentalists god made man in his own image. If man can get angry, so god must also be angered. If one listens to a beliver, one can hear all sorts of justification. A favorite is that some kind of natural calamity occurred because of marriage equality. Another explanation for god's lack of total control is that he purposefully gave man free will. In order to teach a willful child a parent will utilize some sort of discipline, so god does the same only because he's omnipotent mans punishment is on a much larger scale. So god is omnipotent only because the religious say so. I hope I made sense.


Since God is a creation of the human mind, he has a gender and exhibits all human qualities and abilities. In short God is more like a boss who needs to be appeased. That's religion which like you pointed out, doesn't mix with logic.

Mimee Level 6 Dec 28, 2019

You bring up some good points. I try avoid imaginary things that are made up by man. It hurt me for to long and I'm glad I'm free of it.

freedom41 Level 9 Dec 26, 2019

If god has anger he can't be perfect. If he's omnipotent he shouldn't have anything to be pissed off about unless it's himself.
Liked your bio. Your beliefs stated eloquently.

rogueflyer Level 8 Dec 26, 2019

Infamous smite happy god

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 26, 2019

God was created by man, man has anger, thus man's gods have anger...

It's beyond logic why Christians are not able to see that.


Yahweh of the Old Testament is really a demiurge like Zeus or Jupiter. A demiurge is notoriously anthromorphic and subject to emotions.

Heraclitus Level 8 Dec 26, 2019

I think that the anthropomorphic representation of any deity is absurd if anything more than a representation of forces.

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Dec 26, 2019

Right, they were simply designed to represent forces like thunder, floods fire, etc. that are beyond human control. That is what hinduism is based on - a different god for each natural force. But did we leave it at that ?
No, we had to make them human and assign them human qualities that shackled the human mind and finally led to so much disturbance and strife. People forgot that God was created and has nothing to do with reality.

@Mimee That’s true, but the individual doesn’t have to.

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