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for the vast majority, that ember of fairness, deep inside us, is all we have
that needs to be fanned and grown and used to empower our living and those around us
to reject the selfishness that contaminates and dominates us

paraphrases most welcome

JohnWeyland 3 Jan 1
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I wonder if fairness is innate or does it need to be cultivated. I'm inclined to think babies are born thinking the world revolves around them, then we support that view for a while and then teach them gradually that other people matter too. I read that if this isn't done by age four, you can forget about it.

brentan Level 8 Jan 2, 2020

research on babies says they are moral, but i think 'helpful' comes from mothers, and 'fairness' from having ones needs met.
from my experience, i think that 'honesty' comes from being watched and helped all the time, and it is vital to fairness for others.


I think this idea of fairness call it an ember within us..I will call it a seedling which needs to be watered and nurtured until it has firmly taken root. Fairness then becomes automatic to our way of thinking, and the best way to achieve this is to nurture it in our children when they are young by encouraging them to share their toys and to wait in line whilst others have a turn at ball games etc. Encouraging children to donate pocket money and toys they have outgrown to charity, teaches them about those less fortunate and inculcates in them an ethos of giving and fairness, and I believe these children are more likely to grow up to be caring and unselfish adults.

research on babies says they are moral, but i think 'helpful' comes from mothers, and 'fairness' from having ones needs met.
from my experience, i think that 'honesty' comes from being watched and helped all the time, and it was vital to me deciding on fairness for others later on.



bobwjr Level 10 Jan 1, 2020

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