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Dreams.. are they real just because we experience them when we sleep?

Cutiebeauty 9 Jan 2
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I never not dream.....exhausting!

bubaj50 Level 7 Jan 17, 2020

I dream every single night. I don't always retain the essence of the dream, but I often retain the whole dream and, sometimes, retain what I call 'real dreams'. Real dreams, if I can rely on my psychological training, are those dreams in which our subconscious is reaching out to our conscious self. I once had a dream after my husband died. We were sitting, eating lunch, and drinking wine when he reached out and touched my neck and said "Why haven't you taken care of this lump Kym. Kym wake up and go to the doctor. He then slapped me. I woke up, went to the mirror and sure enough there was a lump. I'm sure I had seen it before but stored it as something to deal with later because I'd just gone through my husband's death. If you've ever been a caretaker, you know you tend to put yourself second during that time. It turned out I had a tumour, behind my ear, and lucking it was encapsulated and they were able to remove it.

I literally warned myself using dream imaging.

Kymmacg Level 7 Jan 12, 2020

I do remember a handful of dreams from my youth (under 20 years of age). I seldom dream now and never remember the ones I do have.

Sticks48 Level 9 Jan 2, 2020

Our brains are amazing ...they’re like giant computers, everything we have experienced in our lives is in there. When we dream some of that information which is being stored is regurgitated, only it’s jumbled through usually, and not an exact replay as it happened, and it can be from very different times and places in our past. I’m not an expert on dreams or why we dream, but I suspect something we have seen or talked about during our waking hours must be the trigger for what we dream at night. I personally rarely remember my dreams, unless I’m awakened abruptly out of one. I don’t know if that is common for others or not.

Most don't remember

I rarely remember dreams

@Geoffrey51 I think that seems to be pretty much the case with most people.

I remember them when I have woken up but they soon fade. Some I can remember vividly all day long. I often thought that perhaps I shall keep a pen and paper by my bedside and write them down.

@Jolanta I don’t suppose you ever did though!

@Marionville I do have pen and paper by my bedside but you know how it is. One never thinks of doing it. All I usually think of when I wake up is what shall I have for breakfast today.


No it's subconscious working out problems while we sleep

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 2, 2020
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