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With our Supreme Court now swinging decidedly more conservative, religious rights will undoubtedly now begin to be asserted over human rights.

Our government cannot establish a specific religion and so, where conflicts arise, often on purpose, the Supreme Court will have to balance religious freedoms and restrictions equally among the recognized / established religions.

No one will be able to convince a conservative Supreme Court that Human Rights deserve equal, much less higher consideration over Religious Rights. Philosophically, it simply cannot happen.

Therefore, the establishment of a NEW religion which somehow deifies scientific principles would be extremely advantageous to atheists, agnostics, and antitheists.

Upon first hearing of this suggestion, I KNOW that most atheists, agnostics, and antitheists would rudely scoff at the very idea of such an artificial concoction of ideas. But, let me put it to you this way:

If you are kidnapped by people you KNOW are insane and playing STUPID mind games with themselves and everyone else they have dealings with, yet they do indeed have all of the power over you within their domain, and you can do nothing about successfully overthrowing them from their position of dominance over you, are you simply going to purposely piss them off so that they take away most of your rights and eventually even execute you for denying the existence of the imaginary things they love and honor most in their lives?

Why not devise your own imaginary game to counter, control, and even master their game with? Human life is full of examples of this behavior as both stupid and necessary:

Computers users and hackers
Police radar and radar detectors
Social identity sites and identity thieves
Even the now common activities of working for money and then giving it away for food, clothing, housing, transportation, and entertainment rather than simply doing/making those things for ourselves.

Everything in life involves stupid games. Am I right here or not... you do see the principles... yes?

So now let me ask you this:

What would a new, from scratch religion look like, based upon scientific principles, knowledge, and most of all, the curiosity driven observation, data purity, for seeking and utilizing the truth about every last part about the world we live in?

To make it a religion, we have to define all these different aspects of science as characterizations, so that we can anthropomorphize it and make it a living being. Then, once we get it to that point, we deify it, by making it all-powerful, invincible, and irrefutable BECAUSE it is open minded and self correcting when the required evidence is obtained. Not a bad thing to do for science, huh?

Then, just for fun, why not write code for all this, test it carefully, and eventually boot it up in more and more powerful AI machines.. . Wouldn't our Supreme Court have fun interacting with that?!

EarnestEccentric 7 Dec 24
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Possibly broaden the scope of its vision...
Hopefully ⚠️

BBJong Level 7 Jan 1, 2021

Yes the supreme OurTime of obstructionist republican fascists owned lock stock and barrel by the wealthy and their corporations to further indenture us into total slavery!!!

It has become a big show to.keep the populace calm and pacified!

Little wins for the populace, big Wins for the wealthy and their corporations!!!

None of this is by accident, the big Reset is upon us brought upon us by the wealthy and their corporations!!!


It's a concern but not necessarily as much to fear as we expect.
Yes we need to address this.
Judges are more tightly constrained in their opinions then you might think.
I know of no higher court judge that pulls opinions out of their ass because the opinions can only be built on precedent, not personal opinions.
The worst situation they seem to achieve is being nudged toward using harsher language in their opinions.
For example RBG couldn't just make an opinion that women should be treated fairly, she had to show how gender discrimination adversely affected everyone, even white men, before her opinions could carry the weight they needed to effect change.
Republican politicians in particular find it perplexing when conservative judges don't tow the party line, but the line they're being called on to tow is to arbitrary and superficial for the judges to allow the nonsense to continue.
But yes, if presented with the right case and with the right precedence they could overturn Row V Wade, but they can't and don't do such things the way politicians do, otherwise they wouldn't have ruled that the 1964 Civil Rights act article 7 covers LGBT+ issues, it's illegal to fire someone because they're queer or trans, not a ruling I would have expected from the SCOTUS that did it.
Yes their faith disturbs me.

Agree- how Native Americans are & were treated show that previous
institutions & parts of government change
incredibly SLOWLY & often take 2 steps back for every step toward progress.

@EarnestEccentric Native Americans had thier religion obliterated by our government-and into recent times had to defend thier religion & culture
( even burial ) customs / traditions and grounds.
Slow is one thing, but regression is rampant.

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