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We live to learn. The more we learn, the more we learn that there is more to learn.

To be alive is to think outside of the box.

What have you thought outside of the box lately?

SunshineEast 5 Aug 31
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Enjoy being online again!

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I used a steering lock bar to depress the accelerator on my friends car while he gave me a jump. The length adjusting mechanism was perfect for getting the right length and increased revs.

racocn8 Level 9 Aug 31, 2022

Instead of getting upset and blaming myself:

Two days ago, I stayed calm and ended a relationship with a longstanding friend. At 74, Don is addicted to oxycodone and marijuana for back pain. The drugs changed his personality for the worse.

I invited Don over to pick up banana bread I had made. Don arrived hungry since he had not eaten all day. Out of thoughtfulness and kindness, I fed Don, although there wasn't much food in the house. At Don's request, I put on a mellow music by Anton Schwartz, my favorite jazz saxophonist. Don loved the music.

To my bewilderment, Don suddenly called me mean. "Nobody has ever called me mean before," I replied calmly. He doubled down, calling me mean and a devil. I stood up. "Stop insulting me. You need to leave NOW."

As Don left, I handed him a mini-loaf of banana bread. "Enjoy the banana bread baked by a devil," I said dryly.

Looked up Five Personality Changes in Codeine Addicts. It fits.


Replied calmly to his nasty emails.


NOBODY ever called me abusive. Stop it. I don't want to be around you. People never called me the mean names you called me:

  1. Abusive
  2. Bully
  3. Devil
  4. Mean

What the hell?

I'm not willing to put up with your lashing out at me. Clearly we don't get along.

You used to be fun. Not anymore.


Thanks, Kathleen for sharing. On a personal note, you have made me aware of a lot from your comments which you share so openly.

I broke of a friendship of +50 years because my friend has degenerated into parroting Fox BS, and had lost touch with reality. It is stunning how people know what propaganda is but allow themselves to be changed anyway. We had a lot of fun history. I'm sorry we can't share it anymore.

@racocn8 At first I chuckled about how some let themselves be manipulated and then I thought. The world and our country are so different than they were 50 years ago. There are so many more people in the world, so many more struggling to live a "meaningful" life. More and more, those in positions of power and influence are imposing their beliefs. There is greater manipulation of the press. There is greater use in finding how to use the system for personal benefit, e.g. gerrymandering and ignoring the First Amendment. So far, the only potential hope that I see is to replace the men who are in positions of power and influence with women. I have recognized that women are more important to our species than men. We need the sperm of a man, the egg of a woman and a petri dish to create life, i.e., conception. We needs the whole woman, her body and womb to create a person and to nurture it initially. A person begins to learn empathy as it nurses.With the help of today's technology, I am not aware of anything a man can do that i woman cannot except ejaculating sperm into a petri dish.

Women need a cheater to turn some valves, use of which is forbidden.

Supposedly, the bell curve for IQ is narrower, so fewer women geniuses and fewer with the horsepower for extreme academics.

You'll only elect a women when the prospect can overwhelm the bigoted patriarchal American electorate. It's more likely that AI will provide alternative forms of human organization and a path to transition away from where we're at.

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Posted by EmmanuelRippinIf you're looking for a new game to dive into, ([playpokerogue.

Posted by RobecologyI haven't seen any "freethoughts" on Twitter lately; but today I found one!

Posted by johnnyrobishWell, somebody had to do it!

Posted by WalterGreensTo every one out there!

Posted by LenHazell53Well would you look at that, and who posted it

Posted by Mike-IMAOpinions base on facts and evidence can change the world.

Posted by ChrisAineWhere is everybody? Don't tell me y'all caught up with Xmas festivities. Anyway Merry Christmas free thinkers. May you get a kiss under the mistletoe..😊

Posted by ScribblerWhy is everyone leaving?

Posted by AryabratIsn't this the most logical and simplistic way to dismiss a fictitious superpower/hero? Or is there anymore way?

Posted by AvaBunWhat are your thoughts?

Posted by terenaskawsHow passionate are you in creating?

Posted by SpinlieselToday, in 1872, the last Indian war east of the Mississippi ended with the capture of Black Hawk.

Posted by SlarsAnother throw back from my orange years.. mad to think they essentially just paid us to play with big toys all day fun job...

Posted by AnabuceriasPhoto is worth 1000 words.

Posted by bobwjrThat's this group

Posted by TourirstMIA: Missing in Administration. I have posted this, twice and of course, it slides under the radar, understandably as Admin has left the building for good?

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